Previous 20

Feb. 24th, 2010


RP: Really bored

Who: Nenael, open
Where: Stalking around town
When: dark of night, February 24, 2010
Rating/Warning: TbD
Summary: The angel prowls
Status: Open, ongoing



RP: Food is good

Who: Leah and open
Where: Mall food court
When: Wednesday evening, just after dark
Rating/Warning: TBD
Summary: Leah getting some food after getting a job at the music store.
Status: Open, ongoing

Leah liked music... )


Who: Matt; OPEN
Where: Nicky's
When: Evening, February 24, 2010
Rating/Warning: tbd
Summary: Matt is confused
Status: Open; Incomplete

She'd been by the house. )

Feb. 22nd, 2010


RP: Bars were Fun!

Who: Ash, open
Where: Nicky's
When: Monday evening
Rating/Warning: None?
Summary: Ashley gets out for the first time since her return
Status: Open, ongoing

She'd ditched her honor guard ... )

Feb. 20th, 2010


RP: Answers?

Who: Lucius and Open
Where: Edge of town or there about
When: Not long after he arrived
Rating: TBD
Status: Incomplete

Answers? )

Feb. 18th, 2010


RP: Melting Snow

Who: St. John, Libra
Where: The front yard of House #3
When: February 18, 2010, afternoon
Rating/Warning: Language.
Summary: John is bored.
Status: Complete

He didn't really want to get a job )

Feb. 14th, 2010


RP: Flowers everywhere

Who: Kyle, River
Where: their house / room
When: late morning, Feb 14, 2010
Rating/Warning: overload of cute?
Summary: Kyle celebrates his first Valentine's day, ever
Status: Private, ongoing

he'd made her a card with moving parts ... )


RP: Valentine's Day

Who: Jaime, Mal
Where: Their room
When: some point after Dug's gift delivery, Feb 14, 2010
Rating/Warning: probably smut
Summary: Jaime is amused and goes to show Mal what Dug got them
Status: Private, ongoing

Well, this was a first ... )


RP: Memory All Alone in the Moonlight

Who: Snape, poking Lily
Where: Their room
When: Valentine's Day, early evening?
Rating: PG-13ish
Summary: Severus bought Lily a Valentine's day gift. He just can't remember what he did with it.

And I musn't give in... )


RP: Gift Giving!

Giftees: Jasper, Caleb, Simon, LilyLu, Neytiri, Jaime, St. John, Rand, Spock, Nenael
Gifters / Locations: Indicated below
When: Various points during Feb 13th evening and Feb 14th evening
Rating / Warning: PeeGee for sappy
Summary: Mandy!pups give out Valentine's gifts - anyone not listed here is getting their own post, likely in a minute
Notes: Post is open to replies, responses, reactions, whatever. If you want you can say "gift was returned" and leave it at that. "Gift was destroyed in a fire and never received, gift was picked up by someone else accidentally" etc. Or don't reply at all! XD

Tis the Season )

ETA: I have been reminded that I am an idiot and forgot people. Dora got flowers from Saul, which he attempted to deliver anoymously but Iridia may have seen him. Alice got something for Matt, and hovered outside his door for a while but lost her nerve and ran away when the puppy started barking - he likely noticed her scent. She also got Leah some air fresheners with a note that says that the supervisor guaranteed it would get pet smells out of carpet.

Feb. 13th, 2010


RP: Sparkle sparkle little snowflake

Who: Jasper, open
Where: in a snowdrift at the PBAS
When: Early afternoon, February 13
Rating/Warning: No idea
Summary: Jasper chills, ha-ha, because he has nothing better to do
Status: Open, ongoing

there were people in the field ... )


RP: Tired ...

Who: Corey, Roland, Rory
Where: their house
When: late morning, Feb 13, 2010
Rating/Warning: None?
Summary: Corey is tired from all her healing activities
Status: Complete

She was tired and there was snow )

Feb. 9th, 2010


RP: Not Dead Yet

Who: Alice, open
Where: Outside
When: Early afternoon, February 9, 2010
Rating/Warning: PG?
Summary: Alice attempts to get used to her temporary decreased movement.
Status: Open, ongoing

Oh, the things she did for humans... )


RP: Good Morning, Starshine

Who: Snape, open
Where: Hospital
When: February 9, 2010
Rating/Warning: I don't anticipate higher than PG-13
Summary: Snape wakes up from his coma.
Status: Limited, ongoing

The Earth says Hello! )

Feb. 8th, 2010


RP: Hoping

Who: Libra, Albus
Where: PBAS
When: Whenever, February 8, 2010
Rating/Warning: None
Summary: Libra hopes her father will show up since Lily's did
Status: Complete

That wasn't fair ... )


RP: Jade's Arrival

Who: Jade and Caleb
Where: PBAS, and probably houses
When: Night, February 7th
Rating/Warning: None?
Summary: Jade trying to understand this world and how she came to be in it
Status: Closed, ongoing

Fallen star arrives in the barn )

Feb. 7th, 2010


RP: Myths are Real

Who: Simon, open
Where: Ipswich public library
When: Late afternoon, February 7, 2010
Rating/Warning: None?
Summary: Simon is curious and is researching
Status: Open, ongoing

Crisis averted ... )


RP: Limbs did not break

Who: Neytiri, open to house members & visitors
Where: Her house
When: Morning hours, February 7, 2010
Rating/Warning: None? Cranky alien? idk
Summary: Neytiri attempts to understand how she is broken
Status: Open, ongoing

Na'vi did not break )

Feb. 6th, 2010


RP: Taking a break

Who: Caleb, Trish
Where: Nicky's
When: after dark, February 6, 2010
Rating/Warning: None?
Summary: Caleb tries to escape for a few hours
Status: Complete

He wanted to sleep for a week ... )

Feb. 4th, 2010


RP: Unimpressed

Who: Reid, Tyler
Where: Tyler's place
When: Evening, February 4, 2010
Rating/Warning: None
Summary: Reid bitches?
Status: Complete

At least no one new had dropped through? )

Previous 20

February 2010



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