Harry Potter RPG Ads
The community rules were borrowed (and modified) with permission from [info]find_a_game

September 2023



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Posts Tagged: 'site:+insanejournal'



[No Subject]

It's a new year, there's a new Headmistress and she's bringing some brand new changes with her when she arrives. She's introducing—and refusing to supervise—a journal system, wireless station and school newspaper. Students will have an unprecedented opportunity to speak their minds, and only time will tell if they use it for good or evil. Want to learn which it will be? Join Acid Pop and find your voice.

The new school year begins soon, so apply today! We're still looking for Victoire, Dominique, Molly and Fred Weasley.




[No Subject]

Imagine uncountable alternate Harry Potter universes, each one different from the last. Imagine a Squib epidemic, a Third Wizarding War, a Hunger Games world.

Now picture a place where people from all of these worlds coexist, where they can compare their lives with alternate selves, and meet people from their past and future. A place where scientists control their surroundings and circumstances.

Welcome to the Compound. Welcome to Flipped.


FLIPPED is a multi-gen game that has been open for four months. We allow up to six versions of any canon character. We currently have 21 different worlds to choose from, and if none of them take your fancy, we accept applications for new universes.





HP RPG: Anonymous | 18+ | MWPP era



Premise | Holds | Rules | Apply     

anon_rpg opens with 10 characters | 18+ only    


[No Subject]


Who do you trust?

Do you trust Kingsley Shacklebolt, the former Auror who has the responsibilities of Minister for Magic thrust upon him by appointment?

Do you trust Lucius Malfoy, the former Death Eater who now calls for an elected Minister to carry out the mandate of the people?

Do you trust Harry Potter, the conqueror of the Dark Lord, who some fear may be setting himself up to rule?

KEEP CALM is a canon, epilogue-exclusive game following immediately from the end of the Battle of Hogwarts. After the war comes the rebuilding--Hogwarts is destroyed, the Ministry is in disarray and Azkaban is no longer a secure prison.

You may think you know how it ends...
Now it's your turn to make the future.


opening June 1


The 8th Floor: a Post-War Harry Potter RPG



  The internet lives forever and travels faster than any owl, even without the help of magic. In the technology-saturated world of 2006, wizards are in danger of finding out first-hand what the consequences of that might be. It's getting harder every day for the Ministry to protect its citizens from exposure and the old tried-and-true methods haven't kept pace with muggle advancements. Without hard work, sacrifice and maybe a miracle or two, life as everybody knows it is doomed to change forever and they're running out of time to stop it.

  There are those who don't believe revealing magic to muggles would be such a terrible thing, however. Among them is a shadowy new group whose methods are unknown but whose motives have recently become clear. They want the Statute of Secrecy overturned, regardless of the consequences, and they aren't willing to wait forever. They've already started taking steps to force the Ministry's hand and although they seem unwilling to break the masquerade themselves, nobody knows if or when that might change.

  If you're not with them, you're against them - an "enemy of wizard-kind" whose name has been posted on a list of others like you. It's a list that's growing smaller as threats are made, blood is spilled and names are crossed off once and for all.

Mod Journal ° Available Characters ° Premise ° Cast List ° Apply

MOST WANTED: Muggleborns, former Slytherins, older characters.

[No Subject]


[info]seventhmods | [info]seventhyear | [info]seventhooc


[No Subject]


taken | available | premise
rules | application | resources | info | FAQ
At the beginning...

These times are dark indeed. In the year 991, fear - of the unknown, untrusted, foreign - runs rampant through the newly-strung-together kingdoms of England. With the long-continued Danish raids and the burgeoning threat of Norman conquest, lives are expected to be both brutal and short. That's, of course, if you're not cut down by black magic first. To say that magic is feared is to drastically and dangerously understate. It's not simply feared. Rather it and its ilk are ruthlessly hunted down - those suspected of dabbling in such are barbarically put to death. Magic and all it encompasses is to be squashed out entirely.

There are survivors, however. There are those with magic in their veins who seek to change this dark and savage world into something better for themselves and others. There are those who seek to segregate themselves and their society, to push those of "thinner blood" back into their own cruel world of witch burnings, executions, and ransom. And, although none of them knows it yet, there are those who will, indeed, create something - someplace - that's never been seen and that will stand more than a thousand years to come.

But that light has yet to burn. Blackness still shrouds England, the only reprieve brought by the bright, ever-present flames of witch burnings.

We'll open with five characters.
rpg comm | mod journal | ooc comm

First Order: A Canon HP Game - Opens Feb 13


[info]firstordermod | [info]first_order | [info]firstorderooc

Premise | Available and Held | Cast | Rules | Apply | FAQ |
Order and DE History and Organization



[No Subject]

FLOO: join the floo crew!
Every man wants to be surrounded by lovely women... but I need best mates, man, come on, help a guy out, yeah?

An AU Marauder-era game.


A dark rumour has begun to make its way through the halls of Hogwarts, whispering the name of a new and talented wizard rising to power. At first, it was easy for students to brush it off; nothing more than gossip passing through. But now there are a few 7th year students who claim to be followers of a Dark Master, one who will rise to power and take over the Wizarding community. More importantly, they're looking for new members to recruit, whether you want to be recruited or not.

Kidnappings in the night, brain washing, and battles are just the beginning!

The Recruitment is an AU Marauder-era RPG. It mainly focuses on 6th & 7th year students, as well as recent graduates. Join today to see who will be recruited, whether they want to be or not.

The game opens with 7 characters!

Holds | Premise | Rules | Apply



The Washington Irving Academy

Are you tired of the same old canon Harry Potter games? Tired of your favorite characters being taken? Wish you could play your own original character in a Harry Potter game? Had your fill of seeing the same people with the same attributes and characteristics played over and over? Sick of high school games where the mods never enforce the rules and no one ever gets caught doing something they’re not supposed to? Are you looking for somewhere to play where the mods are understanding and actually do their job? Looking for people who don’t just play with the same two people all the time, leaving everyone else looking for plot?

Boy, aren’t you glad you looked at ads in this community.

Because this might be the right place for you. Here at the Washington Irving Academy, we have amazing professors, house point systems, open minded mods and characters, plot for anyone who would like it, a chat for ooc fun and getting lines for your kiddies, historically accurate... uh, history, weekly prompts and sports game results, and much more! The game is open! Come and join us!

[No Subject]


Life can change in an instant. One second, one inch makes all the difference.

25 March, 1998; everything changed. After breaking the taboo on Voldemort's name, Harry, Ron and Hermione were captured and taken to Malfoy where they were only saved with the intervention of Dobby, the House Elf who was tragically killed.

What if not everything went according to plan? As Dobby gripped Harry's hand, Bellatrix Lestrange hurled her knife across the room, one second earlier. It struck, one inch to the left. As Dobby collapsed, Voldemort arrived and Harry Potter was plunged into the hands of the Dark Lord.

Now, it is nearing the end of 1998. Life has flowed on with little to disrupt Voldemort's puppet Ministry. For a time things seemed calm, as the Ministry slowed changes and life started to return to normal. Yet, rumours have started to circulate that Pius Thicknese is about to retire from the post of Minister and will soon be replaced by someone so much more sinister. Voldemort would only sit back for so long and that time has now passed. It will not be long now.

Welcome to Inimicum! A game that explores the rise of Voldemort in a world where the Order has failed and the dark grip is getting stronger. After all, their saviour is dead...isn't he?

Game Opens 30 November!

Premise | Rules | F.A.Q. | Wanted
Application | Available | Taken |Timeline
[info]inimicum [info]inimicum_mods [info]inimicum_ooc

The 8th Floor - A Post-War Harry Potter RPG



  It takes more than winning a war to get to, "All was well." In 2005, the Wizarding World is facing challenges it never expected. Recent advances in muggle technology threaten to put an end to the Statute of Secrecy and the fragile peace magical society has finally achieved.

  One mysterious new group aims to put an end to the Statute by any means necessary. They've drawn up a list of enemies, posted it for all to see and, one by one, terrible things are happening to the people whose names appeared on it.

Mod JournalAvailable Characters
PremiseCast ListApply

WANTED: Muggleborns, characters over 30, Amycus and Alecto Carrow, former Slytherins and Hufflepuffs.

[No Subject]

available characters. current cast. rules. navigating lockewood. apply!

Imagine, if you will, a magical village that’s unplottable, inescapable, and inexplicable. No one knows how they found themselves in this village, but what they soon find out is that almost all aspects of life in this village are controlled by Rita Skeeter. She knows your deepest, darkest secret -- the one you would never reveal to a single soul -- and if you refuse to play by her rules, she has promised to expose you. What’s more? Your secret will be revealed and you will never be able to return to the time and place you left. There will be only one escape: death.

Open since March 2009 and still going strong.

MOST WANTED... Ron Weasley, Bellatrix Lestrange, Neville Longbottom, Arthur Weasley, Lavender Brown, Seamus Finnigan, Andromeda Tonks, Hugo Weasley, Aberforth Dumbledore, Parvati Patil, Dean Thomas, Alice Longbottom, Frank Longbottom, and SEVERAL OTHERS!
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A Harry Potter Noir-style, Marauder Era Game.


Premise    •    Available    •    Rules    •    FAQ    •    Apply    •    Credits
The year is 1981 and Wizarding London is overrun with crime. Favoured Mayoral Candidate Lucius Malfoy seeks to put an end to it if only to improve the climate for his upcoming election. Two wars are being waged in this torn city: that between the youth and the elders, and that over familial allegiances.

The Crime Syndicate is allegedly killing a fresh victim each night, but they hold to their own standards of morality and conduct. Albus Dumbledore's uniformed officers of the Law are desperately trying to tie the infamous Black family with claims of prostitution, drugs, and murders. The city of London is in chaos and a new band of Vigilantes has taken matters into their own hands.

Which side will you choose? Who can you trust and who do you fear will kill you in the night? Join this Marauder-era game to partake of the blood-ridden action! [Please note this is an 18+ game]

Most wanted: Albus Dumbledore, Lord Voldemort, Remus Lupin, Peter Pettigrew, Regulus Black, Petunia Evans, Vernon Dursley, Alice & Frank Longbottom, Bellatrix Black, Andromeda Black, Minerva McGonagall.



[No Subject]


Crown & Country




Available Characters
Taken Characters
Wanted Characters
Order of the Phoenix
Death Eaters
Blood Status
Line of Succession

Most Wanted

Regulus Black
Sirius Black
Andromeda [Tonks]
Bellatrix [Lestrange]
Lily Evans
James Potter
Remus Lupin
Alice Longbottom
Frank Longbottom
Arthur Weasley
Molly Weasley
Death Eaters
Order Members
Most other characters

"To be a Black made you practically royal"

So said Sirius Black about the beliefs of his parents, but, what if to be a Black actually made you royalty? In 1649, the Black Family Dynasty declared themselves rulers of the Magical Population of Great Britain and have reigned since then. Like many rulers, the family has faced a multitude of complications and threats to its rule over the hundreds of years it has reigned, but it remains strong.

For now.

The year is now 1979. Whispers mingle the air foreshadowing the change that is on the way. King Orion Black I, sits on the throne after the tragic and suspicious circumstances surrounding the death of his father King Arcturus Black II in 1976. However, while he sits firm on the throne, the ship has began to rock. A recent surge of deaths has struck the family. Some may attribute it to the age of the victims, but, then again, most healthy wizards in their 60s and 70s do not suddenly drop dead. Nevertheless, nothing untoward has been proven, yet.

However, assassinations are not the only problems plaguing the Dynasty. In 1977, Orion's heir turned his back on the family, renounced the Dynasty and began associations with muggleborn sympathises. He was disowned mimicking the disownment of his cousin Bellatrix, in 1975, after she pledged her allegiance to a false lord.

Then, there are those outside the family who threaten its existence. The Ministry of Magic has been becoming more and more vocal calling for reforms. Only a few have been met, but it has not stopped them, especially now Albus Dumbledore has finally accepted the pots of Minister. As well, conservatives who scorn the changes made by the Ministry are steadily becoming more and more frustrated. Who would lead such an opposition? Lord Voldemort, of course. His force known as the Death Eaters have been active since the 1970s and have been defined as a treasonous organisation by the old King Arcturus since 1975. However, it has not stopped them. Nothing will stop him until he gets what he seeks.

Society has remained stable, but, as the foundations shake, one great push may have it tumbling over for good. For now, they remain content to rest on their line of succession that decrees that Prince Regulus Black will succeed his father, even as the rest in the line slowly drop dead around him. Perhaps the person behind it wants someone else on the throne? Maybe they do not realise that the line of succession might soon be changed forever?

The line might soon mean nothing. After all, inheriting is not the only way to gain a throne.

There is also conquest.

Welcome to Crown and Country! A place where nothing is ever stagnant and the one with the crown is never really in control.



[No Subject]



As you all are aware, our resident poltergeist has taken it upon himself to unblock all the drains on the fifth floor. Sadly, he chose to do so in the wrong direction. We have asked people desist from using the seemingly endless puddles which currently decorate the corridors for impromptu water fights. Madame Pomfrey, after all, only has a finite amount of pepper-up potion available, and it would be a terrible shame to find you all handing in your wonderful and insightful essays covered in phlegm.

On another, less sickly, note - can all students in third year and above ensure they have handed their Hogsmeade permission slips to their Heads of House by the first week of October. Students who fail to present a genuine, signed slip will not be permitted to visit the village. All questions and excuses to be delievered to the Heads of House.

Just opened, we are still looking for Severus Snape, Peter Pettigrew and more! Death Eaters and Order Members also available!

IC Journal // Mod Journal
Premise // Cast List // Wanted/Holds // Apply


[No Subject]

available characters. current cast. rules. navigating lockewood. apply!

Imagine, if you will, a magical village that’s unplottable, inescapable, and inexplicable. No one knows how they found themselves in this village, but what they soon find out is that almost all aspects of life in this village are controlled by Rita Skeeter. She knows your deepest, darkest secret -- the one you would never reveal to a single soul -- and if you refuse to play by her rules, she has promised to expose you. What’s more? Your secret will be revealed and you will never be able to return to the time and place you left. There will be only one escape: death.

Open since March 2009 and still going strong.

MOST WANTED.. Ron Weasley, Severus Snape, Charlie Weasley, Lily Luna Potter, Godric Gryffindor, Arthur Weasley, Hugo Weasley, Aberforth Dumbledore, Lavender Brown, Parvati Patil, Dean Thomas, Seamus Finnigan, Ernie MacMillan, Alice Longbottom, Frank Longbottom, and SEVERAL OTHERS!



[No Subject]

Image and video hosting by TinyPic
1979 is winding toward its own close. Conflicts between the Order of the Phoenix and the Death Eaters continue as Dark Lord continues pressing for dominion of the Wizarding world, and the Ministry will not stand for it. With the rise of a new administration five years ago, Britain has seen the situation grow more and more tense as all three sides raise the stakes one after another.

Laws prohibit travel without Ministry approval, and increasingly, democracy seems to be giving way to a police state. Muggleborns and their advocates disappear in the night as terrorists spill innocent blood in the streets. Pureblood manors are burned and ransacked as an organization for peace lashes out to fight fire with fire. Chaos ensues.

The loudest question on everyone's minds and lips is the simplest: who will win?

No one is certain, and no one is certain what will be left for those winners when the smoke clears.

[info]lockdown is a Marauder-Era AU roleplaying game, taking the world of Harry Potter and exploring the theme of an extended civil war and its effect on the populace. The themes of freedom, safety, peace and conflict, the opposing forces of light and dark, and the idea of what measures are called for in times of war will all be questioned, examined, and turned on their head. In the end, the work of the characters involved and the ends to which they are willing to go, are the only things that will decide Britain's ultimate fate.



Holds are now open! Gameplay beings August 13th!

[No Subject]


Hogwarts Carefree
A Next Generation Community
The Sorting has begun

As old foes come together
Only time will tell
If the wounds of the past
Have mended well
The times of tears and sorrow
Have all but gone away
As a new generation
Makes their way today

Is your home in Gryffindor
Where those with nerve shall stay
The bold and brave arrive
And always find their way
Or are you a true Hufflepuff
Fair and straight and loyal
You meet your best friends today
And share with them your toil
Perhaps you are a Slytherin
The purest of them all
But will your strive for power
Ultimately be your fall
Alas you may be Ravenclaw
Already read the books
Your wit and brains protect you
From others jealous looks

Unlike the past you will not find
Seclusion to your house
Unless you hide yourself away
Like a shy little mouse
As time goes and you grow
More similarities you’ll find
That all houses blend together
In a common frame of mind

And thus my words shall ring today
Forever captured in a tome
As you come up one by one
And find your brand new home

Premise | Rules |Characters | Apply

A new generation has come to Hogwarts filled with students who are full of life, ready to figure out who they are.
This game is for writers who want to develop an original Harry Potter character! The game allows you to develop your character through interaction not through your own character development journal. You can see exactly how your character would interact to various situations as they come to life in your brain. We want to write and have fun, while developing new characters. The application process exists not so we can pick your character apart, but so that you have the opportunity to outline who you see your character to be while giving the voting staff the chance to ask you questions that will help to develop your character.

Players are expected to be able to create their own plot ideas and any and all ideas from players are welcome. However, we do provide weekly challenges for those all too common writing blocks. We hope to see you soon!

Most wanted:
Albus Potter, Rose Weasley, and Slytherins, along with original 1st years, 6th years, and 7th years