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Oct. 31st, 2017


Halloween Treat for Shadowycat

Gift for: [info]shadowycat

From: [info]rivertempest

Title: Two Long Shadows
Pairing: Severus/Remus
Rating: G
Disclaimer: The characters and canon situations in the following story belong solely to JK Rowling, Scholastic and WB. I am not making any money from the publishing or writing of this story.
Warnings: Depression, survivor's guilt
Summary: Months after the final battle, Severus tries to assuage his guilt.
Notes: Shadowycat, I was excited to have you as a recipient! I don't get to play with Severus/Remus too often, so thank you! I used your prompts of 'autumn leaves' and 'shadows'. Many thanks to my beta, Delphi - you are a gem yourself, woman!

Two Long Shadows  )

Oct. 31st, 2016


Halloween Treat for cruisedirector

Gift for: [info]cruisedirector

From: [info]rivertempest

Title: Safe From the Hurt of Fire
Pairing: Severus Snape/Harry Potter
Rating: G
Disclaimer: JK Rowling owns everything Harry Potter, not I.
Warnings: For the first time, there is narry a warning. Not sure if I should be concerned.
Summary: The bonfires of Samhain bring in the Celtic New Year. Harry thinks this is the perfect time to let Severus know of his regard.
Notes: [info]cruisedirector, I snagged your prompt of 'bonfire' and fell in love with the research! Thank you for giving me a lovely bunch to work with! Many thanks to my beta, [info]delphipsmith.

Safe From the Hurt of Fire )

Oct. 31st, 2015


Halloween Gift for Bluemermaid

Gift for: [info]bluemermaid

From: rivertempest

Title: Poisoned Truth
Pairing: Neville Longbottom, Luna Lovegood
Rating: PG-13
Disclaimer: JK Rowling owns it all. She would never approve of what I do to her beloved characters.
Warnings: Disturbing imagery, horror.
Summary: Wizarding society thinks Neville Longbottom is an innocuous, brilliant herbologist. He cultivates this notion as he does his beloved plants.

Notes: Dear [info]bluemermaid - I hope you like the direction I went with this. I also want to thank you for listing 'horror' as one of the things you wanted to see in your gift! It may be a stretch, but you could consider the prompt of 'monster' as well. And if that wasn't enough, there is visual confirmation that a particular fungus exists: Many thanks to my beta [info]delphipsmith (and her science-y husband!). She is a brave soul!

Poisoned Truth )

Oct. 31st, 2014


Halloween Treat for Writcraft

Gift for: [info]writcraft

From: rivertempest

Title: Practice Safe Hex
Pairing: Severus/Harry; Non-corporeal Sirius
Rating: PG-13 (Teen)
Disclaimer: JK Rowling owns these lovely characters, not I. She is probably quite glad that I don’t.
Warnings: Sexual innuendo, implied voyeurism, humour
Summary: Harry summons dead people via English Breakfast tea.
Notes: [info]writcraft, I went with your prompt of a ‘haunting’, and immediately the scenario wrote itself. Wonderful thanks to my lovely beta, D – woman, you are quick!

Practice Safe Hex  )

Oct. 31st, 2013


Halloween Treat for Errandofmercy

Gift for: [info]errandofmercy

From: [info]rivertempest

Title: Ghosts In The Machine
Pairing: Slight Snape/Lupin, Minerva McGonagall
Rating: PG
Disclaimer: JK Rowling owns everything recognizable, I just rattle the chains.
Warnings: None, other than whinging.
Summary: McGonagall hopes they learn to unlive with each other.
Notes: Many uber thanks to my beta, D - you are amazing.

Ghosts In The Machine )


Halloween Treat for Nimrod_9

Gift for: [info]nimrod_9

From: [info]rivertempest

Title: For Thy Sweet Skull Remembered
Pairing: Remus Lupin/Severus Snape
Rating: PG
Disclaimer: JKR owns the lot of them. Several lines from Shakespeare are quoted by Snape, so credits go to the bard himself for those.
Warnings: Bad use of Shakespeare?
Summary: Remus knew Severus had a weakness for sugar skulls.
Notes: [info]nimrod_9, I hope this is to your liking. I haven't played with Snupin in ages, so I was happy to revisit them! Many thanks to D for the fast beta!

For Thy Sweet Skull Remembered )

Oct. 31st, 2012


Halloween Gift for Teddy_Radiator

Gift for: [info]teddy_radiator

From: [info]rivertempest

Title: The Sincerest Form
Pairing: Severus/Hermione
Rating: PG
Disclaimer: JK Rowling owns everything recognizable, the lucky woman.
Warnings: Wax. Lots of it. Slight creep factor.
Summary: They say imitation is the sincerest form of flattery. Severus has other views.
Notes: [info]teddy_radiator, I tried angst, but these two were more prone to snarkiness than anything else this time around. I hope you enjoy this as much as I did writing it. Many thanks to D for the beta!

The Sincerest Form )

Oct. 31st, 2011


Halloween gift for StarDuchess

Gift for: [info]starduchess

From: [info]rivertempest

Title: Content At Last
Pairing: Severus/Hermione/Harry
Rating: PG-13
Disclaimer: JK Rowling owns everything that is Harry Potter - I make no money from this story.
Warnings: Sensuality, threesome, vampires!
Summary: Hermione longs for the day when she finally belongs to them.
Notes: [info]starduchess, I squeed so much when I got you! I hope you enjoy this little drabble of our favorite threesome! Many, many thanks to my beta, [info]ssddgr, whom I love so very much because she puts up with my oddities.

Content At Last )

Oct. 31st, 2010


Halloween Treat for Kalina_Blue

Gift for: [info]kalina_blue

From: [info]rivertempest

Title: Carved In Its Skin

Pairing: Harry/Hermione

Rating: Hard R

Warnings: Gruesomeness, blood, knife play

Summary: The first Halloween after the war ended finds Harry trying to put Voldemort behind him. Hermione, however, provides too easy a target.

Notes: I SQUEED when I got my assignment! Nothing like horror to get the 'blood' pumping. ;) Huge thanks to my betas, [info]ssddgr and [info]dusty273, both whom refused to be near me on Halloween. Cowards. [info]kalina_blue, I hope you enjoy this!

Disclaimer: J.K. Rowling owns everything Harry Potter. I make nothing from slicing up her characters this way.

Carved In Its Skin )

Oct. 31st, 2009


Halloween Gift for Vegetasbubble

Gift for: [info]vegetasbubble

From: [info]rivertempest

Title: Malfoy's House of Wax
Pairing: Draco/Luna with mention of Pansy/Blaise/Hermione
Rating: R - Just to be safe
Warnings: Mild hint of necrophilia, horror
Summary: Draco Malfoy has great talent - a great evil talent. In response to the prompt: Other uses for candle wax, can be a dark and spooky fic. Also, I used all the characters in wish list.
Notes: When I saw your list of characters and prompts, the old Vincent Price movie, House of Wax, popped into my mind. This is my take on the classic horror film.

Malfoy's House Of Wax )