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Forgotten Gods RPG

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[Sep. 7th, 2011|10:23 pm]

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Who: Nike ([info]blindvictory) & Zelus ([info]competitiveedge)
When: Friday, September 2nd
Where: Zel's Pad
What: Guess who's back? (And general drunken stupidness.)

Last Friday Night, We Went Streaking Through The Park, Skinny Dipping In The Dark... )
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[Jul. 31st, 2010|01:42 am]

Who: Nike [narrative]
What: One more stop before home.
Where: NYC
When: Saturday, 2AM
Warnings: N/A

But the light is green and even at this time of the night, the streets are full and heavy, pushing the heavy car forward and through the intersection, roaring in the night. )
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[May. 26th, 2010|07:00 pm]
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Who: Nike [Open to Morpheus]
What: What does Victory dream of, if Victory itself is a dream to be had?
Where: In Nike's dream.
When: Tuesday, late evening
Warnings: N/A

Her dreams were rare because they were inconclusive. There was never an end to them, nor was she able to achieve one.  )
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We've got year after year to kill [May. 4th, 2010|02:40 pm]

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Who: Nike ([info]blindvictory), Zelus ([info]competitiveedge) & Zeus ([info]rules_them_all)
What: Making it official.
Where: Charleston, SC
When: Tuesday
Warnings: tba

But there's no going home )
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Ashes to ashes, dust to dust, the life clock strikes and you obey... [May. 2nd, 2010|02:01 pm]

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[Current Mood |crazy]
[Current Music |Blind Guardian - Ashes to Ashes]

Who: Apollo, Elatreus, Euterpe, Nike, Styx, Zelus
What: Hunting and recovery
Where: Styx's place
When: Sunday
Warnings: Violence

Like a candle light that fades/ Ashes to ashes, dust to dust/ When the life clock strikes You will obey/ Time isn't here to stay... )
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[Mar. 24th, 2010|08:39 am]

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Who: Crius ([info]crius) and Nike ([info]blindvictory)
When: Wednesday afternoon; 3/24
Where: NYC
What: Surprise, surprise
Warnings: None? Possible language, if that.

Lost in the maze of a concrete jungle... )
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[Jan. 7th, 2010|10:11 pm]

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Who: Bia, Kratos, Nike, Pallas, Zelus (Open to Cronus, Rhea and Poseidon)
When: Thursday, 1/7
Where: Cronus' Pad
What: Operation - Rescue Poseidon!....with a twist.

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[Dec. 19th, 2009|06:22 pm]

Who: Nike and Jared [NPC]
What: Leaving things behind.
Where: Nike's apartment
When: Saturday, early morning
Warnings: PG

Read more... )
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[Nov. 29th, 2009|05:13 pm]
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Who: Achilles and Nike
What: A chance encounter.
When: Saturday, November 28th; late afternoon
Where: New York's Veteran Hospital
Warnings: TBD

Hospitals always seemed to be the same. )
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[Aug. 21st, 2009|10:18 pm]
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Who: Zeus, Bia, Nike, and Zelus
What: Apologies
Where: Zeus' Upper East Side Apartment
When: Wednesday
Warnings: TBA

He should have done this months ago. )
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[Aug. 18th, 2009|12:54 am]

Who: Nike [narrative], Jared [NPC]
What: Tying up loose ends - three month recap.
When: June, July, August 2009
Where: New York, New York
Warnings: None

Seven years, five days, twenty-four minutes, and thirty two seconds. )
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[Jul. 2nd, 2009|12:17 pm]
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[Current Music |My Will Be a Dead Man, Project 86]

Who: Athena and Susano'o [Open to Amaterasu - and I suppose the Titans if they want to hide in the trees and watch]
What: A reckoning.
When: Backdated to Friday, June 26th
Where: Hook Mountain, upstate NY
Warnings: Violence, language.

High noon cometh not a moment to soon; there's gonna be a firefight tonight )
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Selling Private Ryan [Jun. 7th, 2009|02:19 am]

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Who: DHS, DIA and Military people with their respective plus 1, DC money bags upper class. Special invitations were sent to: Uncle Sam and Britannia; Democratic Party and GOP.
What: Charity Function
Where: Renaissance Mayflower Hotel, Washington DC.
When: Sunday evening
Warnings: TBA
Notes: Start threads at your own convenience. ;D

It's for a good cause. Which one? Oh, you know the usual. High-tech surveillance equipment and weapons, fighter jets and vending machines. Yes, you heard right, now go and have another glass of champagne. )
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It's the same old theme since 1916. [May. 5th, 2009|11:00 pm]

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Who: Nike ([info]blindvictory) and US Military ([info]pro_patria)
What: Guess who wants to go to Iraq?
Where: Lincoln Center recruiter's office
When: Tuesday afternoonish.
Warnings: None.

In your head, in your head they are fighting; with their tanks and their bombs, and their bombs and their guns. )
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[Apr. 13th, 2009|11:36 pm]

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Who: Bia, The Headless Horseman, Nike & Zelus
What: Somebody's in trouble~
Where: The Plaza Hotel
When: Immediately following this unfortunate little incident

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[Apr. 12th, 2009|06:54 pm]
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Who: Headless Horseman (Faust), Nike and Jared [NPC]
Where: Nike's apartment
When: 2AM Sunday morning, happening two hours after this.
What: Faust always kept his promise.
Rating/Warnings: PG-13 for violence, blood, language

It was the bloodlust that moved him into the room, his mind filled with the image and need of blood, severed heads, open mouths, agony, terror, horror. )
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[Apr. 7th, 2009|12:26 am]
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Who: Athena, Nike, and Jared [NPC]
What: A lunch meeting between friends and one unsuspecting mortal.
When: Monday afternoon
Where: A Thai restaurant near campus.
Rating/Warning: PG-13 to be safe

'Damn, you know what Ray would say 'bout all this? He would say this city's probably just enough to satisfy his own libi--' )
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[Mar. 23rd, 2009|12:01 pm]

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Who: Bia, Zelus, Kratos and Nike (if she so desires. Mom too of course XD)
Where: Little Brother’s place.
When: Tuesday Afternoon
What: Burning Puppet Jesus

Newsflash: Angels seen fighting in NYC? )
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Guess Who's Coming to Church? [Mar. 18th, 2009|09:39 pm]
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Who: Bia, Nike, Zelus, Metatron
What: A little bit of "research" in progress.
Where: Trinity Church (Wall Street)
When: Thursday Evening, Evening Prayer
Rating: Maybe language maybe blasphemous situations?

[ooc; Totally open to Styx and Kratos, if they want to join in the chaos ♥]

She wondered who had it worse, Prometheus on the rock with his liver constantly torn out or this unfortunate Prince with the crown of thorns? )
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[Mar. 11th, 2009|10:26 pm]

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Who: Hecate and Open
When: Late Wednesday Night
Where: A park

And the moonlight behind the darkened clouds cast glorious shapes. )
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