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This ain't a scene, it's a goddamn arms race. [May. 3rd, 2010|12:54 am]
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Who: Alyssa Higurashi [info]oneshot & Industrial Warfare [info]showandtell; Open to Guns [info]righttobeararms
What: An undercover Alyssa hosts an arms deal for the Asian crime syndicates, ironically provided by an infamous duo.
Where: San Francisco, CA
When: Sunday, late evening
Warnings: Language - R

Timing was the key in everything. )
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[Jan. 23rd, 2010|02:38 am]
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Who: Alyssa Higurashi and Karl Whedon (Industrial Warfare)
What: Just a day at the office
When: Friday afternoon.
Where: DIA building, Washington DC
Warnings: ...UST.

cause it's you and me and all of the people; with nothing to do, nothing to prove. )
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[Jan. 3rd, 2010|01:02 am]
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Who: Karl Whedon (Industrial Warfare), Alyssa Higurashi and family.
What: ...are you doing New Year's, New Year's Eve
When: BACKDATED to New Year's Eve
Where: Times Square, NYC

It doesn't matter how good your self control is. Your family will still put it to the test. )
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[Dec. 14th, 2009|09:58 pm]
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Who: Alyssa Higurashi and Karl Whedon
What: Backdated - Alyssa goes Hospital AWOL and Karl's not happy about it.
Where: Dallas Hospital
When: November 16th, late evening; after this phone call
Warnings: Possible language

Read more... )
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[Nov. 16th, 2009|07:06 pm]
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Who: Alyssa Higurashi and Karl Whedon Industrial Warfare
Where: The Secret Room in Mike's Garage
When: BACKDATED to Sunday, midmorning.
Warnings: Violence. Scantily dressed women. ...and more violence.

This didn't have to be dangerous. )
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[Nov. 6th, 2009|11:11 pm]
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Who: Alyssa and Karl. Or Grace and Matt.
What: Matt visits his girlfriend after work and discovers something that he doesn't like.
Where: The Gentleman's Club that Grace works at
When: Friday, late evening
Warnings: R - Language, Abuse, Violence

'Come to see your girlfriend, Matt?' )
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[Oct. 24th, 2009|07:25 pm]
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Who: Alyssa and Karl. Or Grace and Matt.
What: Making a... game plan.
Where: Alyssa's hotel room.
When: The same night directly after this.
Warnings: Mentions of porn, TBA

It's the only game in town )
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[Oct. 21st, 2009|01:22 pm]
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Who: Alyssa and Karl. Or Grace and Matt.
What: Grace visits Matt, and Alyssa gets a good look of Karl at work.
Where: Jimmy's Auto Shop (Texas)
When: Monday, evening
Warnings: Language

Obviously none of these mortals had seen the true nature of war machines in action. )
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[Oct. 2nd, 2009|01:52 am]
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Who: Alyssa and Karl
What: Alyssa doesn't make the drop, Karl's looking for some answers.
Where: Alyssa's current "employment", Texas
When: September 30, late afternoon
Warnings: TBD

But for a New God who constructed half of the invasion of D-Day, waiting wasn't exactly a strong point. )
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[Sep. 11th, 2009|10:45 am]

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Who: Alyssa Higurashi, Alex Nivens
When: Friday morning, 9/11
Where: Karl & Alyssa's office in the DIA
What: Trying to dissuade obsessive use of the vending machines, the sister meets the partner

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[Aug. 20th, 2009|08:56 pm]
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Who: Zhuge Liang and Alyssa Higurashi
What: Just a little interoffice tormenting conversation.
When: Thursday afternoon
Where: DIA headquarters, DC.

Thursdays were boring. )
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[Aug. 15th, 2009|01:06 am]
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Who: Alyssa & Karl
What: Someone has a broken A/C. Someone has a spare couch. That's what partners are for.
When: Backdated - Monday, August 10th, late afternoon
Where: Karl's bomb shelter apartment in downtown D.C.
Warnings: TBA

It had really been a long time since someone other than himself had walked through the narrow hallways and touched the concrete floors. )
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Selling Private Ryan [Jun. 7th, 2009|02:19 am]

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Who: DHS, DIA and Military people with their respective plus 1, DC money bags upper class. Special invitations were sent to: Uncle Sam and Britannia; Democratic Party and GOP.
What: Charity Function
Where: Renaissance Mayflower Hotel, Washington DC.
When: Sunday evening
Warnings: TBA
Notes: Start threads at your own convenience. ;D

It's for a good cause. Which one? Oh, you know the usual. High-tech surveillance equipment and weapons, fighter jets and vending machines. Yes, you heard right, now go and have another glass of champagne. )
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[May. 22nd, 2009|11:27 pm]
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Who: Industrial Warfare and Alyssa
What: Karl picks Alyssa up from the airport from her vacay.
Where: Dulles International Airport
When: Friday, afternoon
Warnings: TBD

It was Friday afternoon and one very satisfied god of Industrial Warfare was on time. )
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