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Forgotten Gods RPG

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[Nov. 10th, 2009|10:20 am]

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Who: Thalia, Raven, NPCs Samarth, Ryan and Orren aaaand OPEN to all and sundry
Where: Roxy Bar, Manhattan
When: Monday night from 8pm
What: Comedy on the Rox - opening night funtiemz!
Warnings: TBD

'Sort of' is such a harmless thing to say... it's just a filler. It doesn't really mean anything. But after certain words 'sort of' means everything. Like after 'I love you', or 'you're going to live', or 'it's a boy!' )
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[Oct. 31st, 2009|08:05 pm]

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Who: Alicia Green [NPC] and any other mortals that want to come by
What: Alicia is throwing her own Halloween bash
When: Halloween
Where: La Fée Verte
Warnings: TBD

when the cat's away, the mouse come out and play )
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Fun at the Fair [Aug. 26th, 2009|12:26 am]
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Who: Cass Wilson & US Military (and possibly other carnies as well for maximum embarassment enjoyment)
What: Visiting the carnival and it's not a date. Honest!
Where: outside the grounds of Midway Plaisance (aka THE Carnival) on Coney Island.
When: weekend afternoon
Warnings: TBD

didn't you ever want to run away to join the circus? )
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Selling Private Ryan [Jun. 7th, 2009|02:19 am]

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Who: DHS, DIA and Military people with their respective plus 1, DC money bags upper class. Special invitations were sent to: Uncle Sam and Britannia; Democratic Party and GOP.
What: Charity Function
Where: Renaissance Mayflower Hotel, Washington DC.
When: Sunday evening
Warnings: TBA
Notes: Start threads at your own convenience. ;D

It's for a good cause. Which one? Oh, you know the usual. High-tech surveillance equipment and weapons, fighter jets and vending machines. Yes, you heard right, now go and have another glass of champagne. )
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son, can you play me a memory? [Jun. 6th, 2009|12:55 pm]
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Who: Cass and Blues
What: Drinking, and telling tales
Where: House of Blues
When:a little after 7.00 in the evening
Warnings: TBD.

'cause we're all in the mood for a melody )
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Visiting Hours [May. 31st, 2009|01:18 am]

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Who: Litigation, Cass Wilson and OPEN
What: Visiting his favourite mortal. They could probably both do with some excitement and/or cheering up.
Where: outside Roosevelt Hospital
When: sometime in the afternoon
Warnings: TBD.

((It's a two pup post! Tag whichever one you would like. Or both, if you want ;) ))

take a sad song, and make it better )
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[May. 23rd, 2009|01:13 pm]
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Who: Oscar and OPEN [Open to multiple replies/threads]
What: Oscar remembers that it's Fleet Week and throws his Beyonce idea out the window. Why concentrate on Fosse when you have years of Kelly to work with??
When: Noon
Where: Times Square
Notes: Open to multiple replies. Whether or not your godly character is affected or not is your choice, but every male mortal in the area is suddenly wearing sailor outfits, an the females are in dresses and heels. Everyone's shoes have taps on them! It's a musical, people!

Watch this if you'd like to see what's going on. And song lyrics are here. MGM owns it all.

This was absolutely no time for Beyonce, thank you. )
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