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They think that your early ending was all wrong [Mar. 9th, 2011|08:09 am]

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Who: Coal, US Military, Nuclear Power
What: Whatsa matter with you?
When: Wednesday Morning
Where: Centralia, Pennsylvania

For the most part they're right. But look how they all got strong. )
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You're on the road but you've got no destination [Jan. 26th, 2011|10:48 pm]
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Who:Gondul, US Military
What: A hike.
When: Friday
Where: Some national park full of those nifty trails
Warnings: tba

You're in the mud. In the maze of her imagination. )
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[Oct. 3rd, 2010|06:19 am]
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Who: Starbuck and Anders Gondul and US Military
What: Hullo Thar: The First Encounter
When: Monday
Where: NYC Gym
Warnings: None

Sweating would help clear out the mental cobwebs and whatever alcohol remained in her system from last night’s poker game. )
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On this day, I see clearly - everything has come to life. [Apr. 9th, 2010|12:57 am]
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Who: Attrition Warfare, Capital Punishment, Cyber Warfare, Industrial Warfare, Law Enforcement, National Security, Nuclear Power, Psychological Warfare, US Military. (If I left out anyone, let me know)
What: Warmongers' paintball!
Where: In the middle of a forest, near the cabin they are staying at.
When: (postdated to) Saturday 10th April, after lunch.
Warnings: Warmongers unite. May be some chaos.

(( Posting order as you see fit. ))

A bitter place and a broken dream, and we'll leave it all, leave it all behind. )
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You said I'm gonna buy this place and burn it down / I'm gonna put it six feet underground [Feb. 17th, 2010|10:02 am]

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Who: U.S. Military ([info]pro_patria) & Attrition Warfare ([info]baitandbleed)
What: Ryan doesn't like Dom. Dom loves Ryan.
When: Wednesday afternoon.
Where: Ryan's place.
Warnings: Er, warfare deity.

He was every warfare god's heartbeat, full of high anxiety. )
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Today's a reason for living. [Jan. 16th, 2010|03:25 am]

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Who: National Security ([info]absolutecontrol) and US Military ([info]pro_patria)
What: Ryan's been AWOL. Jamie drops by his place.
Where: Ryan's apartment.
When: Friday night.
Warnings: None.

Today's the crosses we carry, today's the strength that we need. Today's the hand of an angel you were not the kind to believe. )
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You do not talk about Fight Club. [Dec. 21st, 2009|08:46 pm]

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Who: The Warmongers
What: Bruise exchange, I mean gift exchange. Nope, had it right the first time.
When: Christmas day
Where: The Galactica The Enterprise, docked and soon to be decommissioned aircraft carrier.
Warning: Violence, language

**No posting order. Separate threads and threads within threads are fine.

Two guys to a fight. One fight at a time. If this is your first night at Fight Club, you have to fight. )
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[Nov. 24th, 2009|10:13 am]

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Who: Capital Punishment ([info]hang_em_high), National Security ([info]absolutecontrol), Nuclear Power ([info]brighter_tmrw), Chaos Theory [NPC], Industrial Warfare ([info]showandtell), Psychological Warfare ([info]mind_overmatter), U.S. Military ([info]pro_patria). And of course Cyber Warfare ([info]ghost_net_) is welcome to haunt the place as she pleases.
When: Thursday afternoon/evening.
Where: Capital Punishment's home in Texas.
What: A Very Warmongers Thanksgiving.
Warnings: Warmongers, so TBD.
Notes: Handle posting order as you lot please -- there's nothing set. And of course the usual "individual threads within the thread" schtick is fine.

What a wonderful holiday this was! )
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[Nov. 14th, 2009|02:30 pm]

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Who: Lady Liberty ([info]libertyforall) and US Military ([info]pro_patria)
What: A thank you dinner
Where: Libby's home
When: Saturday evening
Warnings: TBD

Her apartment smelled nice )
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Fun at the Fair [Aug. 26th, 2009|12:26 am]
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Who: Cass Wilson & US Military (and possibly other carnies as well for maximum embarassment enjoyment)
What: Visiting the carnival and it's not a date. Honest!
Where: outside the grounds of Midway Plaisance (aka THE Carnival) on Coney Island.
When: weekend afternoon
Warnings: TBD

didn't you ever want to run away to join the circus? )
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The following takes place between 10:00PM and 2:00AM. [Aug. 20th, 2009|09:58 pm]

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Who: National Security ([info]absolutecontrol) and US Military ([info]pro_patria)
What: Drinks and hopefully nothing more.
Where: Sports bar.
When: Wednesday night.
Warnings: None.

10:13:05 )
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Maybe we've been living with our eyes half open, maybe we're bent and broken. [Aug. 6th, 2009|12:19 pm]

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Who: Highways ([info]the_long_road) and US Military ([info]pro_patria)
What: A walk. A looong walk.
Where: That's a very good question.
When: Wednesday after 5pm.
Warnings: None.

We were meant to live for so much more. )
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Selling Private Ryan [Jun. 7th, 2009|02:19 am]

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Who: DHS, DIA and Military people with their respective plus 1, DC money bags upper class. Special invitations were sent to: Uncle Sam and Britannia; Democratic Party and GOP.
What: Charity Function
Where: Renaissance Mayflower Hotel, Washington DC.
When: Sunday evening
Warnings: TBA
Notes: Start threads at your own convenience. ;D

It's for a good cause. Which one? Oh, you know the usual. High-tech surveillance equipment and weapons, fighter jets and vending machines. Yes, you heard right, now go and have another glass of champagne. )
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It's the same old theme since 1916. [May. 5th, 2009|11:00 pm]

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Who: Nike ([info]blindvictory) and US Military ([info]pro_patria)
What: Guess who wants to go to Iraq?
Where: Lincoln Center recruiter's office
When: Tuesday afternoonish.
Warnings: None.

In your head, in your head they are fighting; with their tanks and their bombs, and their bombs and their guns. )
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