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[Jan. 17th, 2011|02:26 pm]

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Who: Nuclear Power & National Security
When: Tuesday evening
Where: Home

Why are you laughing? What are you watching? )
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[Dec. 24th, 2010|12:25 am]

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WHO: Nuclear Power, National Security and Chaos Theory (NPC)
WHAT: Normal Family Take #34235
WHEN: December 24th-ish
WHERE: White Sands, New Mexico

Thoughts of breakfast food and the laws that one had to abide by while eating it were not the reasons for Izzy’s silence. )
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I spy the worst place in the world, in the whole world. [Sep. 14th, 2010|10:03 pm]

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[Current Location |NYC]

Who: National Security ([info]absolutecontrol) & Nuclear Power ([info]brighter_tmrw)
What: You look different...
Where: NYC
When: Tuesday
Warnings: tba

Oh you didn't do bad, you made it out, I'm still stuck here oh but I'll get out. )
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There's one thing, baby, that I don't understand [Sep. 13th, 2010|04:33 pm]


Who: National Security ([info]absolutecontrol)
What: Coming back as if nothing has happened.
Where: NYC
When: Monday
Warnings: Messing with a human's brain.

You keep telling me I ain't your kind of man. )
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There is life outside your apartment. [Aug. 27th, 2010|01:42 pm]

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Who: Ares ([info]ares_godofwar) & National Security ([info]absolutecontrol)
What: Jamie visits the incorrigible, horrigible and vegetable Greek for a serious conversation. Things take a detour.
Where: Ares' penthouse, NYC
When: Friday evening
Warnings: tba

Or so they claim... )
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[Jul. 16th, 2010|04:10 pm]

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Who: The Republican Party, Nuclear Power and National Security
What: Drinks
When: Wednesday night
Where: The Black Sheep
Warnings: None?

Instead she sat at the bar nursing a drink. )
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Head down, go to sleep to the rhythm of the war drums [May. 28th, 2010|02:10 am]

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Who: National Security ([info]absolutecontrol), Nuclear Power ([info]brighter_tmrw) & Chaos Theory [NPC]
What: They're a normal family. Sort of. They're trying, okay?
Where: LA
When: Thursday
Warnings: None.

I'll be the one to protect you from your enemies and all your demons. I'll be the one to protect you from a will to survive and a voice of reason. Stay with me, safe and ignorant. )
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Well maybe I'm blind, just throwing darts in the dark. [May. 4th, 2010|06:25 am]

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Who: Ares ([info]ares_godofwar) and National Security ([info]absolutecontrol)
What: This near-life experience scared me to death.
Where: Room 621
When: Monday night
Warnings: None?

Man, it hurts like hell down here on my knees; is this where I end, or is this where we begin? )
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On this day, I see clearly - everything has come to life. [Apr. 9th, 2010|12:57 am]
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Who: Attrition Warfare, Capital Punishment, Cyber Warfare, Industrial Warfare, Law Enforcement, National Security, Nuclear Power, Psychological Warfare, US Military. (If I left out anyone, let me know)
What: Warmongers' paintball!
Where: In the middle of a forest, near the cabin they are staying at.
When: (postdated to) Saturday 10th April, after lunch.
Warnings: Warmongers unite. May be some chaos.

(( Posting order as you see fit. ))

A bitter place and a broken dream, and we'll leave it all, leave it all behind. )
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This used to be a funhouse... [Mar. 24th, 2010|08:42 pm]

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[Current Mood |blank]

Who: Ares ([info]ares_godofwar) & National Security ([info]absolutecontrol)
What: You don't write, you don't call - I should be offended.
When: Wednesday evening
Warnings: tba

But now it's full of evil clowns. )
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[Feb. 27th, 2010|07:41 pm]


Who: National Security ([info]absolutecontrol) & Arkady Chesnokov [NPC]
What: Explain this.
Where: DHS, NYC
When: Saturday evening
Warnings: None.

Something strange was going on in the basement. )
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Today's a reason for living. [Jan. 16th, 2010|03:25 am]

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Who: National Security ([info]absolutecontrol) and US Military ([info]pro_patria)
What: Ryan's been AWOL. Jamie drops by his place.
Where: Ryan's apartment.
When: Friday night.
Warnings: None.

Today's the crosses we carry, today's the strength that we need. Today's the hand of an angel you were not the kind to believe. )
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You do not talk about Fight Club. [Dec. 21st, 2009|08:46 pm]

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Who: The Warmongers
What: Bruise exchange, I mean gift exchange. Nope, had it right the first time.
When: Christmas day
Where: The Galactica The Enterprise, docked and soon to be decommissioned aircraft carrier.
Warning: Violence, language

**No posting order. Separate threads and threads within threads are fine.

Two guys to a fight. One fight at a time. If this is your first night at Fight Club, you have to fight. )
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[Nov. 24th, 2009|10:13 am]

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Who: Capital Punishment ([info]hang_em_high), National Security ([info]absolutecontrol), Nuclear Power ([info]brighter_tmrw), Chaos Theory [NPC], Industrial Warfare ([info]showandtell), Psychological Warfare ([info]mind_overmatter), U.S. Military ([info]pro_patria). And of course Cyber Warfare ([info]ghost_net_) is welcome to haunt the place as she pleases.
When: Thursday afternoon/evening.
Where: Capital Punishment's home in Texas.
What: A Very Warmongers Thanksgiving.
Warnings: Warmongers, so TBD.
Notes: Handle posting order as you lot please -- there's nothing set. And of course the usual "individual threads within the thread" schtick is fine.

What a wonderful holiday this was! )
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[Oct. 18th, 2009|07:28 pm]

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Who: Nuclear Power, National Security and Chaos Theory (NPC)
What: Oh, by the way…
Where: Jamie’s apartment
When: Sunday night

Satisfied that the duck blanket was tucked around the baby just right Enola tiptoed out of the bedroom. )
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[Sep. 22nd, 2009|07:22 pm]

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Who: National Security and War
What: Payback is a b*tch
When: Tuesday Night
Where: SL-27
Warning: Not pretty. Not pretty at all.

Like a string being stretched taut and then pain, so much pain.  )
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When something's bored, I wanna put a little exciting on it. [Sep. 12th, 2009|02:49 am]

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[Current Music |Pearl Jam - The Fixer]

Who: Ares ([info]ares_godofwar) and National Security ([info]absolutecontrol)
What: Clothes shopping
Where: of those long streets with lots of clothes shops.
When: Saturday afternoon.
Warnings: None.

If something's low, I wanna put a little high on it. )
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[Aug. 31st, 2009|02:08 pm]

[Current Mood |pissed off]

Who: National Security ([info]absolutecontrol)
What: War strikes again.
Where: DHS, NYC.
When: Monday morning
Warnings: None.

6:13am - shut it down )
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[Aug. 26th, 2009|09:12 pm]

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[Current Mood |angry]

Who: National Security ([info]absolutecontrol) & Ares ([info]ares_godofwar)
What: Jamie borrows Ares' bathroom.
Where: Ares' penthouse.
When: Backdated to last Thursday night after this.
Warnings: There's some blood but nothing gory.

When was the last time somebody had caught National Security off-guard and got close enough to carve him up like this? )
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Fishing For Trouble... [Aug. 20th, 2009|10:45 pm]

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Who: National Security ([info]absolutecontrol) & War ([info]on_a_red_horse)
What: War goes after National Security.
Where: Underground car park of the DHS, NYC.
When: Thursday night.
Warnings: Violence, blood.

Boredom is never a good thing. Idle hands are etc. )
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