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Jun. 8th, 2009


Dear Dean Winchester,

We miss you. We need you. Most importantly, your brother is violating all that is holy and awesome by having sex on me with that demon bitch that you hate so much. Please, oh please, put a leash on your brother and keep him from doing something insane like that again. They were all over me. All. Over. Me. There are some things that you can not scrub from your memory. That, my friend, was one of them. So if you care for me at all, you'll get your ass over here and give Sam HELL. Please? PLEASE?

The Impala

[info]wariscoming is a brand new multifandom Supernaturalverse game that's in great need of any and all Supernatural characters. As Dean is one of the two Winchester duo, we would love it if he decided to drop in and join in on the insanity!

Jun. 5th, 2009



Welcome to the Queen Marian cruise lines. What's that? You don't remember purchasing a ticket? Well, to be quite honest what do you remember? Nothing right? Right. But in an hour you'll remember everything so it can't be that bad right? We're on our way to the Bahamas but we don't know where you came from or where we came from. Confusing huh? There's a man by the name of Jack Ferriman who collects souls for a living. That's right, I said living. You don't know who he is, or what he is but you do know that you never had a ticket or won a ticket for this cruise.

Actually, you've never even heard of the Queen Marian cruise lines either. So why are you here? What are you here for? Will you be able to come to the bottom of this or will you be a lost soul forever on the ship for eternity?



Charmed Progeny

Life is peaceful for the Halliwells and their families. Piper, Phoebe, Paige, and Leo have settled down with their lives. No more demon hunting, no more crazy backfired spells, no more death and destruction. Their children are growing up in a world with little conflict, occasionally kicking a bit of demon ass when nessecary. Wyatt and Chris have grown into law abiding citizens. Paige and Phoebe's children are all growing up, attending Magic School. Leo is teaching there, watching over the education of the students. Piper has finally opened the restaurant she's always wanted. Wyatt has taken over P3. Paige is a full whitelighter. Phoebe is a prize winning column writer for The Bay Mirror, and has penned several best selling novels on love.

Trouble begins brewing right under their noses, unbeknownst to the Halliwell family. A new Source of Evil is rising to power, organizing the once chaotic underworld. This new Source is planning on taking out the Halliwell line to clear the path for a worldly destruction and a takeover of evil. Betrayal is lurking in their midst, and together, Wyatt, Chris, and their cousins will battle this inner threat and the Source along with the help of new allies. Now it’s up to the Halliwell offspring to save the day and take on their parents charge of the Charmed destiny.

In a time of danger, the sisters decide it's time to pass on their Charmed heritage. The chosen three are Melinda (Piper's youngest), Parker (Phoebe's oldest), and Ariel (Paige's elder twin). The other children are just as important, and they must all work together if they want to survive and persevere.

Amidst the lies and the fighting, friendships are forged and love blooms for these youngsters. New friends are gained, while old friends are lost. They all begin down paths of self-discovery, each realizing their full potential and fullfilling their destinies.

They must band together and put aside their childhood squabbles. Will they be able to save good magic?

Wanted List

We are always looking for new people!! Come and join us!!

Jun. 4th, 2009


OMG. WANTED!!!! More obnoxious text goes here.

Hey! I'm Gabby and over at [info]cityofrainooc  I play Logan Keys ([info]logankeys ) and Charles Heyworth ([info]ohhaicharlie ). I'm also a mod there, but let's get on to the important stuff!

I would like Logan's older brother up there, because he basically taught her how not to be a girl and he's been a big influence over her. Her brother is five years older than her, so he'd be twenty-two. Basically he loves his sister, but you can decide everything else!

In general, in this game we need vampires there's an awesome spin on the vampires--we've included psychic ones! We'd definitely like players in general so we can get the ball rolling. We need one more human and two more vampires, so head on over!

Jun. 3rd, 2009


Welcome to Harmony. It’s a lovely place, clear blue skies and attractive buildings. It’s funny, but even though all you can remember is this place, it feels like you’ve never been here before.

Why does it feel that way? Well, probably because it’s true. Sssh, don’t tell; this is a giant experiment, one you can’t get out of. We care about you here in Harmony, and you’re very important to us. We hand picked you from your world, because there was just something about you. We know you will be helpful.

It’s important that you feel at home. Almost like you’re not in an experiment at all. So we’re going to give you a new set of family, friends, and memories. Because, don’t forget – we care about you. We want you to feel at home, seeing as from now on, this is your home.


Highschool age characters, any fandom
Lana Skye (Ace Attorney)
Temperance "Bones" Brennan (Bones)
Elle Bishop (Heroes)
Adam Monroe (Heroes)
Claire Bennet (Heroes)
Chris Redfield (Resident Evil)
Leon Kennedy (Resident Evil)

(Characters in)
Resident Evil
Ace Attorney
Silent Hill

We're always looking for new players! Reserve a character today!


Story. | Game Information. | Locations
Application. | Rules/Questions.
Supplant List | Reserved/Wanted. | Taken.

Contact List. | Doctor's Office. | Friend Add Page
After Joining Instructions | Referral Rewards

RPG. | Logs. | OOC.

May. 31st, 2009


I'm going to go out on a limb here and ask if anyone plays Buffy characters? Someone who might be interested in playing Angel (preferably, but would be open to someone else) in a thread based, pan-fandom game against my Oz.
If interested, comment here or message me at harleygreatness

I also play Arnold Rimmer (of Red Dwarf) there and would LOVE a Lister to insult.



What breed are you? Werewolf, hotblooded and animalistic? Vampire, cold and calculating? Or human, frail and mortal and longing for the passion of an immortal lover? Choose your friends carefully, be wary even of your allies.

Passions run hot and grudges last long in the eternal night.


May. 29th, 2009


On May 1st, 2009, nation leaders spoke together to reveal a truth to the world: the supernatural world is real. Vampires, werewolves, and more exist. They have been known to the government for a long time, and now they are coming out of the shadows - and they come with a message. They are not a threat. They mean no danger to humans. But there are other things out there that do.

The days that followed changed everything most people believed they knew about the world, about history, and most importantly, about themselves. Celebrities, politicians, the family down the street - they began revealing their true identities, and telling the world what they really were. Missing people that had been turned against their will came out of hiding, and orginizations popped up to reunite them with their families. The revealing of the supernatural was penned in the media as the Light of May, as society made room for the supernatural.

It wasn't easy. Many, human and supernatural alike, were terrified of what this would mean. Some wanted to keep the supernatural abominations down. Leading figures of both Democratic and Republican parties were revealed to be supernaturals themselves, and joined together to fight for civil rights for the supernatural. It is revealed that if the supernatural were wiped out, half of the entire world's population would be gone. Independent parties popped up through-out the country, opposing supernatural rights, and the fight goes on. But those aren't the only battles being fought.

Why did the Light of May happen? If the supernatural has always existed, why are they only making themselves known now? For centuries, those with supernatural blood have been hunted, held, and killed - all for the benefits of their blood to hunters, and vampires who don't want to play by the rules of etiquette. There was a time when the angels, and even the fae, fought to protect them. But the fae have been extinct for hundreds of years, and worse - the angels seem to have disappeared. There is nothing fighting the demons of the world at bay now. The human race is at risk, and they are not alone.

The Light of May is an original supernatural game, taking place in a time when the world is adjusting to the world that has been hidden since the beginning of time. The game is set in Ann Arbor, Michigan, centered around a fictional township called Scarlet Oak. Characters of many races are up for play, as are those trusty humans. The Light of May will be focusing on characters adjustments and the eventual struggle against demons, hunters, and more.

The Light of May is for original characters only. Pre-existing fandom characters will not be allowed. The Light of May is a friendly, plot-oriented group, well established with 90+ characters. We have two helpful and friendly mods, willing to go out of there way to make sure everyone gets in on the fun, as well as regular (and optional) OOC social chats on the weekends.

Rules | FAQs | Application | Character Types | Character List | Wanted Characters


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