
Posts Tagged: 'alejandro+vargas'

Jun. 10th, 2018



[No Subject]

Who: Alejandro + Orla
What: Alejandro's not even sure anymore.
When: Friday, evening
Where: Infirmary

It was the sudden drop of fear. )

May. 16th, 2018



[No Subject]

Who: Cassidy and Alejandro
When: Tuesday evening
Where: Hologym - Concert hall program
Rating: TBD

I will be your song... )

May. 5th, 2018



[No Subject]

WHERE: Their Alejandro's room
WHEN: Friday Night; after the crazy.
WHAT: There's a lot going on; there needs to be some rest.
STATUS: Closed; In Progress

She'd expected the look on Sandy's face as she was told she was going to solitary would've been the worst thing that'd happen that weekend.Read more... )

May. 4th, 2018



[No Subject]

Who: Alejandro + Cal
What: Irresistable force paradox
When: After this
Where: Gym

Maybe his powers had more of an effect of his personality than he was ever going to be willing to admit to. )

Mar. 14th, 2018



[No Subject]

Who: Alejandro + Orla
What: The Regiment is a roller coaster of emotion for both of them.
When: After Paige's capture
Where: Orla's room

tell me what i did was right )

Mar. 5th, 2018



[No Subject]

Who: Paige Scott, Marshall Lawrence, Michael Winters and Alejandro Vargas
What: Bringing in a new agent
When: March 6rd
Where: Neah Bay
Rating: TBD, probably low

She shouldn't be that hard to find. )

Feb. 11th, 2018



[No Subject]

Who: Orla & Alejandro
Where: Leisure room
When: {backdated} just after Orla arrived
What: Catching up; sharing stories, just bein' good frans.
Warnings: Low.
Status: Complete | Closed

So am I going to be strangling people with my hair here, or is it relatively chill? )

Feb. 4th, 2018



[ Isi & Icarus ]

Who: Isabella Romero & Alejandro Vargas
When: Sunday, Febrary 4th; 8am
Where: Limbo: The Barracks
Rating/Warnings: G
Summary: One of the new admins is getting a tour of the facility.

Her arrival in Limbo on Friday wasn't trumpeted or announced. )

Jan. 29th, 2018



[No Subject]

Who: JP Allen, Alejandro Vargas & Juniper Wrey
What: Curious minds want to know what's behind door number three
When: 29 Jan, mid morning
Where: Suite 302
Rating: G

Curiosity killed the cat )

Jan. 16th, 2018



[No Subject]

Who: Alejandro + Ava
What: Capture.
When: Saturday morning; 1/13/18.
Where: Somewhere in New York.

and i don't want the world to see meeeee )