
Posts Tagged: 'adelaide+russel-popov'

Apr. 29th, 2018



[No Subject]

Grey Street
Dr Russel
WHERE: Adelaide's Office
WHEN: (backdated) Wednesday; Grey's appointment
WHAT: Grey is referred to speak with Dr Russel.
STATUS: Complete
VIEW WARNINGS: Mentions of medical/scientific experiements on unwilling persons, somewhat sensitive subjects

It meant that Rachel’s quiet, steady encouragement pushed Grey towards the appointment she had with Dr Russel, to discuss her experiences, her feelings, help her work through the occasional flares of violence and anger.Read more... )

Apr. 12th, 2018



[No Subject]

Sterling Hunter
Dr Russel
WHERE: Dr Russel's office
WHEN: [backdated] Shortly after arrival
WHAT: Sterling's first session with Dr Russel doesn't end in death. Counts as a success.
STATUS: Complete
VIEW WARNINGS: Allusions to neglect, death and murder.

Anything is a weapon if you use it right.Read more... )

Apr. 9th, 2018



[No Subject]

Indigo DeRosier
Dr Russel
WHERE: Dr Russel's office
WHEN: Backdated; mid March
WHAT: Therapy session; Indigo's progressing appointments
STATUS: Complete
VIEW WARNINGS: Discussion of past trauma, spouse death, survivors guilt

Adelaide Russel was one of the many psychiatrists that worked in Limbo under the new-ish guidance of Dr Isabella Romero.Read more... )