
Posts Tagged: '%7Eremi+grey'

Apr. 3rd, 2018



[No Subject]

WHO Kathryn Dalley | Orla Applegate | Remi Grey
WHAT Family dinner? Birthday celebration? Awkwardness
WHEN March 19, following this convo
WHERE Orla's suite

to freeze or to thaw. )

Mar. 9th, 2018



[No Subject]

Who: Team Kingfisher/Carson [Charlie, Evan, Aidan, Sinjin, Otto, Adam, Garrett, Orla, Syreni & Remi]
Note: I don't expect this to be fully played out, but I thought it might be fun to at least summarize how each team member would have performed.
When: Friday Afternoon
Where: The Hologym
What: Team Training
Rating: Possible violent descriptions

High in her tower she saw the people below like ants )

Mar. 6th, 2018



[No Subject]

Who: Mira & Remi
When: Tuesday between lunch and dinner
Where: Kitchen
What: Killing time
Rating: Low probably
Status: Closed/ Incomplete

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