
Posts Tagged: 'marigold+martin'

Jun. 8th, 2018



[No Subject]

WHO Everyone
WHAT Post-death, post-trauma, post-excitement party to blow off some steam for everyone on the base
WHEN Forward-dated to Saturday June 16th (night)
WHERE Leisure rooms, etc (if people wander off).
RATING Please mark your threads if they start to veer into mature territory

I love cheap thrills )




WHO: Director Vance & Gathered Agents & Staff/Handlers
WHAT: General Announcement
NOTE: Feel free to react IC/search out friends

PLEASE READ; situation update from base director )

Jun. 3rd, 2018



[No Subject]

Who: Gage Mercer & Marigold Martin
What: Finding new ways to work out
When: Sunday PM
Where: Limbo grounds
Rating: TBD

There were definitely different ways to exercise without the gym but he still missed it )