
Posts Tagged: 'gage+mercer'

Jun. 3rd, 2018



[No Subject]

Who: Gage Mercer & Marigold Martin
What: Finding new ways to work out
When: Sunday PM
Where: Limbo grounds
Rating: TBD

There were definitely different ways to exercise without the gym but he still missed it )

May. 5th, 2018



[No Subject]

Who: Gage Mercer & Alika Dixon
What: Reunion of old friends
When: Sometime after this
Where: Cafeteria
Rating: TBD

Gage hadn't really bonded with a lot of people since his arrival at Limbo )

May. 2nd, 2018



[No Subject]

WHO Stephanie Mendoza | Open
WHAT Hanging out in her office
WHEN Wednesday evening, around dinner
WHERE Stephanie's office
RATING tbd, probably low

we are searchlights. )