Age of Miracles

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Age of Miracles


October 4th, 2008

Threadlog: Avalance and Mercury

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Who: Cait Kincaid and Dominic Petros
When: September 13th, upon getting back
Where: The Lair
What: Tabby's rescued, Dominic's in sore need of a shower, and Cait hasn't seen him in months.

Took long enough. )

September 13th, 2008

Thread: Rescue Team & Friends of Humanity

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Who: Pyro, Pretty Boy, Avalanche, Mercury, Morph, Meltdown (NPC), and Friends of Humanity NPCs (Liz Taupier, Max Whitaker, Ronnie Drake, and whoever wants to join)
When: Backdated to Friday, September 12
Where: An FOH super-secret compound where Tabitha Smith has been held and where Dominic Petros has been spying
What: Things have gone too far and they have to act now, or else risk losing both Dominic and Tabitha forever.
Notes: I meant to post this days ago, sorry! If this ends up dragging on I'm going to put up a conclusions post in the OOC comm to talk about what happened so the game doesn't end up freezing indefinitely for these characters. Also, to set up the scenario, I had to do a tiny bit of puppeting -- I apologize! Otherwise the plot would have dragged on uselessly for a week before we got to any action. :P

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May 23rd, 2008

Thread: Avalanche and Liz

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Who: Dominic Pedros and Liz Tapier (Open to FOH members)
When: May 24, afternoon
Where: FOH Meeting somewhere near Salem Center
What: Dominic's been going to Friends of Humanity meetings for some time. Eventually he's got to get noticed.

This was the stupidest thing he'd ever done for the Brotherhood. )

May 1st, 2008

Thread: Mercury and Avalanche

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Who: Cait Kincaid and Dominic Petros
When: Backdated to April 16th, mid-afternoon
Where: An apartment in Greenwich Village, New York
What: Hey, they can only live in a motel for so long.

Somebody had to be Miss Personality, and experience showed that it sure as fuck wasn't going to be Dominic. )

March 24th, 2008

Thread: Mercury and Avalanche

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Who: Dominic Petros and Cait Kincaid
When: Monday, March 24, afternoon
Where: A parkette, somewhere.
What: Well, they've got to live somewhere, don't they?

I'm pretty sure that guy at the desk thinks I'm some cheap mutant whore. )

March 18th, 2008

Thread: Pyro & Avalanche

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Who: John Allerdyce and Dominic Petros
When: Evening, Monday, March 17
Where: Dom's room (or just around it in the hallway), the Lair
What: John's none too happy with Dom and he's looking for someone to hit. So he's gonna hit someone.

Dom! Open the fuck up! )

March 14th, 2008


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Who: The X-Men, the Brotherhood, and NPCs for all sides
When: Early morning Saturday, March 15 and moving into March 16, 2008 -- this battle will last at least two actual days, maybe longer, which will account for any "frozen" time if the thread stalls the rest of the game----this is a battle of such importance that it would make no sense if it only lasted one day.
Where: Washington, D.C.
What: The battle for governmental power in America begins! For the detailed battle plan, please see the OOC post about it. Characters not on the list who choose to show up can show up... whatever :) but the plan is there to keep people's heads from exploding.

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March 12th, 2008

Log: Avalanche and Mercury

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Who: Dominic Petros and Cait Kincaid
When: Backdated to February 28th, afternoon
Where: Outside, near the Lair
What: Dominic wanted to hit something. Cait wanted to hit Dominic. So ... their relationship's pretty much getting nicely back on track.

You're the one with the fucking sword )

March 1st, 2008

Thread: Friends of Humanity, X-Men, Brotherhood

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Who: Emma Frost, Kitty Pryde, Xi'an Coy Manh, David de Souza, Jean-Paul Beaubier, Carmilla Black, McKenzie Fitzroy, Cessily Kincaid, Dominic Petros, and several Friends of Humanity NPCs, played as necessary by everyone in this thread, lalalala.
When: March 1, 2008
Where: Friends of Humanity base where Scott Summers is was being held
What: The X-Men go to rescue Cyclops, but he's not there. The Brotherhood goes to kill some Friends of Humanity, but the X-Men are there, too. Let's call it a batticular ménage à trois.

this is what it sounds like when heads roll )

February 21st, 2008

Thread: Scorpion, Mercury, and Avalanche

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Who: Dominic Pedros, Cessily Kincaid, and Carmilla Black
When: February 22, afternoon
Where: the Lair
What: The ladies love Dom. No srsly.

This was not going to end well. )

February 3rd, 2008

Thread: Mercury and Avalanche

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Who: Cait Kincaid and Dominic Petros
When: predated Late Night, Tuesday February 5th
Where: The Brotherhood's Garage
What: After a long several months, Cait finally comes back to the Brotherhood. Of course, with her luck, it's at one of the worst possible times, and who does she run into but the one person who probably wants to tear her a new one?

Coming back, she reflected, was always the hard part. )

January 27th, 2008

Thread: Wicked and Avalanche

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Who: Gwen Adamson and Dominic Pedros
When: January 27th, afternoon
Where: the Lair
What: [This should have been up a while ago, but I am slow.] Dominic pokes his head in to see Gwen. We'll see where it goes from there.

So they'd won the revolution. . and it was boring. )

January 8th, 2008

Thread: Avalanche & OTA

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Who: Dominic Pedros & OTA
When: January 8th, afternoon
Where: The Lair, garage
What: Dominic, ever anti-social, is working on his project car. It isn't going well. He could probably use a distraction.

Son of a - )
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