Age of Miracles

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Age of Miracles


September 13th, 2008

Thread: Rescue Team & Friends of Humanity

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Who: Pyro, Pretty Boy, Avalanche, Mercury, Morph, Meltdown (NPC), and Friends of Humanity NPCs (Liz Taupier, Max Whitaker, Ronnie Drake, and whoever wants to join)
When: Backdated to Friday, September 12
Where: An FOH super-secret compound where Tabitha Smith has been held and where Dominic Petros has been spying
What: Things have gone too far and they have to act now, or else risk losing both Dominic and Tabitha forever.
Notes: I meant to post this days ago, sorry! If this ends up dragging on I'm going to put up a conclusions post in the OOC comm to talk about what happened so the game doesn't end up freezing indefinitely for these characters. Also, to set up the scenario, I had to do a tiny bit of puppeting -- I apologize! Otherwise the plot would have dragged on uselessly for a week before we got to any action. :P

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May 29th, 2008

Narrative: Iceman and Ronnie Drake

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Who: Bobby and Ronnie Drake
Where: Bobby's Room
When: May 29, 2008 - early morning
What: Ronnie calls Bobby quite early in the morning on his cell phone to make certain that Bobby forgot about their mother's birthday so he, Ronnie, could once again come out on top as the better Drake son.

Did you sign it from both of us? )

February 8th, 2008

Narrative: The Drake Brothers

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Who: Bobby and Ronnie Drake
When: February 8; early morning
Where: The FOH crib
What: Things never turn out good when your younger brother, who hates the fact that you're a mutant and outed you and your friends to the police, has become part of the very organization out to rid the world of mutants. It's even worse when said younger brother seems to have finally gone off the deep end and doesn't seem at all phased about causing plenty of pain and injury to his older brother.

Can't get comfortable, Bobby? )

February 4th, 2008

Log: Iceman, Pyro, Rogue, Ronnie, and Max

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Who: John Allerdyce, Marie Allerdyce, Bobby Drake, Ronnie Drake, and Max Whitaker
When: January 26 [backdated]
Where: Who knows. Some dusty room… somewhere… where the FOH keeps their toys.
What: You lock John, Bobby and Rogue in a room together and someone gets shot. Obviously.

Don't tell me you lost your balls between then and now. )

January 22nd, 2008

Log: Liz, Max and Ronnie

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Who: Liz Taupier, Max Whitaker and… tada! Ronnie motherfucking Drake played by Kellie. For realz.
When: January 22, 2008
Where: Manhattan; FOH safe house
What: Liz, Max and Ronnie have a power wow. And plot a kidnapping.

Sapiens everywhere should be motherfucking kissing our feet. )
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