Age of Miracles

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Age of Miracles


September 16th, 2008

Log/Thread: Meltdown and Pretty Boy

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Who: Tabitha Smith and Ian Voight
When: September 14, 2008
Where: Tabitha's room in the Lair
What: Ian goes to see Tabby after she's been rescued. He brings ice pops. She is not amused.

Usually coping with the situations was him using his x-gene to manipulate the person's personality. )

September 13th, 2008

Thread: Rescue Team & Friends of Humanity

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Who: Pyro, Pretty Boy, Avalanche, Mercury, Morph, Meltdown (NPC), and Friends of Humanity NPCs (Liz Taupier, Max Whitaker, Ronnie Drake, and whoever wants to join)
When: Backdated to Friday, September 12
Where: An FOH super-secret compound where Tabitha Smith has been held and where Dominic Petros has been spying
What: Things have gone too far and they have to act now, or else risk losing both Dominic and Tabitha forever.
Notes: I meant to post this days ago, sorry! If this ends up dragging on I'm going to put up a conclusions post in the OOC comm to talk about what happened so the game doesn't end up freezing indefinitely for these characters. Also, to set up the scenario, I had to do a tiny bit of puppeting -- I apologize! Otherwise the plot would have dragged on uselessly for a week before we got to any action. :P

Read more... )

May 26th, 2008

thread; scorpion & pretty boy

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Who: Carmilla Black & Ian Voight
When: Backated; May 25th, Around 10 PM
Where: Corner Store
What: Carm turned 18 so she went to the store to get all the new stuff she can buy legally which includes porn and cigarettes. She'll get a gun later.

Eighteen wasn't much different than seventeen. )

March 28th, 2008

Log: Pyro and Pretty Boy

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Who: John Allerdyce and IAN VOIGHT!
When: Friday morning, March 28, 2008
Where: The Lair / North Dakota
What: Ian decides to dial a familiar number on his cell phone...

Holy shit, Ian? )
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