World In Her Hands
.:: .:. .:: .:..: ..:.. .: .:: .::..
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I shouldn't have watched that.

(OOC: watch in HQ)

Current Mood: cold cold

I shall settle the argument between you, Bella and Severus.

I do not love anyone or anything. You cannot ask me to feel the emotion that led to so many idiotic conclusions. However, I do respect one of you whilst the other one is an utter failure.

Now behave or I will be cross.

Current Mood: melancholy melancholy

To whomever left these insipid 'Harry Potter' books laying about, I regret to inform you that I am not amused.

New faces showing up. Not all welcome, but who am I to fuss?

This is nothing short of unacceptable and I'll not be treated in this manner.  Someone must - and indeed, will - pay for this, mark that. 

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