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[Sep. 20th, 2015|03:08 am]

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Private to Curse Breakers-in-Training )
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[Sep. 12th, 2015|11:15 pm]

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While everyone else was on summer holiday, there were a handful of us who still sat in a classroom (of sorts) to prepare and learn everything we could to get ready for our first mission. So now that everyone is back at school WE'RE FINALLY GOING ON OUR FIRST MISSION!!

And that's all I can actually say, since I don't know when, where, or what. Other than it's "soon lass".

Still...whooooo! Adventure!
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[Sep. 8th, 2015|12:24 pm]

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Private to Stubby )

Private to Mycroft )

Private to Terry )
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[Sep. 2nd, 2015|06:20 pm]

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Private to Mycroft

Are you free to talk, mate?

I could use your understanding ear.
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[Aug. 22nd, 2015|11:47 pm]

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This whole age thing has been...interesting to say the least. One of my best mates SUPER OLD (haha, sorry Roger), boyfriend my age? At least Terry stayed the same age, otherwise I would have been a bit too turned around.

At least they've come out with something to put everyone in their proper place! Pansy, you didn't have any help with it did ya? ;)
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[Aug. 10th, 2015|09:18 pm]

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Goddamnit, I just realized my birthday is coming up. I don't want nothin'. No presents, no parties, no surprises! (I'm looking at you Romanoff) I don't want to be reminded that I'm getting older and that the future of loss of sight and aching bones is right around the corner. Pretty soon I'll be as old as Myc and Harry...no offense lads.

When did the thought of birthdays become a bother rather than exciting? Dear lord, I am showing my age.
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[Aug. 10th, 2015|09:14 pm]

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Monday's are the worse.

Maybe it's just because the weekend was so wonderful, but this Monday was harder to drag myself outta bed for. At least my babies are home and NOT BEING CORRUPTED ANYMORE I'M-LOOKING-AT-YOU-SIRIUS-BLACK! We shouldn't have given you those cupcakes for watching them.

So if anyone else would be interested in puppy sitting, rewards are cupcakes and/or money. Because I definitely want/need more free time like I had this weekend!
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[Warded from those under 18] [Aug. 4th, 2015|06:39 pm]

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I've been seeing all you lads answering questions and I must ask, why?

Is this a new thing? Is it 'hip' to answer questions on one's sexual encounters? I do suppose it's one thing to be honest and open, but is this taking it to another level? Or is it all just for fun?

I'm not judging or trying to be condescending. Consider it curiosity. Either that or I'm far too used to muggles and how close-minded and secretive they can be.
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[Jul. 28th, 2015|12:10 am]

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I must say I never thought this day would come, but I feel like a different man. Funny how little ones in your life make quite a difference. I'm glad I'm usually a morning person and they seem to sleep through the night, though I think they're even more energetic than Cho.

Meet the little ones )
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[Jul. 14th, 2015|02:15 pm]

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Because someone forgot to make the announcement of when work was suppose to begin, I find myself with an extra day of freedom! Too bad I didn't know until too late otherwise I could have met up with the group that went to Disneyland Paris! I hope everyone had a great time though!

Potter, Black, wanna head into work together tomorrow?
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[Jul. 5th, 2015|03:23 am]

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Private to Mycroft )
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[Jul. 1st, 2015|02:52 am]

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I would like everyone to congratulate the new curse breakers that have passed the interview.

Sirius Black
Cho Chang
James Potter
Bran Stark

They will be working for Gringotts Wizarding Bank now, along with me. Remember, Fortius Quo Fidelius.

Now that interviews are over, I will be taking a small hiatus from work. I wish all the newcomers well and if help is needed, please be patient as I will be back soon.
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[Jun. 2nd, 2015|05:44 pm]

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To those interested in being a curse breaker;

Interviews will be held the week of June 29th. The exact day is still being decided, but it would be best to have the interviews once everyone is settled after moving.

Students, as it will be after school is out, will you be able to make it to Gringotts? If not, I'd like to be able to set it at a new location so everyone can take it.
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[May. 25th, 2015|12:32 am]

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There's less than a month left of school, mates. I've almost officially started a countdown of days (except for the part where I haven't, but I really do keep thinking about doing it, and I feel like that's got to count for something).

Looking forward to it, of course. No more classes. Extra sunshine. A variety of job options.

I'm thinking I'm going to be a Model Cursebreaker.

That is, of course, a cursebreaker who is also a model.

Look, I'm just quite fantastic and also exceptionally good looking and I don't see why I can't do both.
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[May. 22nd, 2015|10:46 pm]

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Private to Mycroft )
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{Private to Mycroft} [May. 21st, 2015|10:42 pm]

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What's this I hear about a lunch date at Madame Puddifoot's?
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[May. 19th, 2015|11:14 pm]

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So remember how I was talking about how great it was with curse breaking and things to look forward to? Well, things just got 10,000x better!

Private to Terry )
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[May. 12th, 2015|08:33 pm]

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To the students and faculty of Hogwarts -

Allow me to introduce myself; I'm Mycroft Munroe, curse breaker for Gringotts.

I'll be around Hogwarts and around Hogsmeade, but I'm here if any student is interested in applying or if any professor has any recommendations.

If anyone has any questions, don't be afraid to ask.
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