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June 16th, 2014

[info]wakesyou in [info]welcomethreads

Who: Four and Tris
What: That awkward first meeting with your dead girlfriend who is alive here?
Where: The park
When: Monday morning
Rating/Status: TBD/Incomplete

Sure Tobias might have been avoiding dealing with it at first, but he knew he couldn't run forever. He knew his body could only take so much more of his rigorous working out until it burned and ached begging him to stop. He had made the initiative and spoken to her, well not face to face but it was a start. Though he quickly got himself out of the zipline thing, because once was enough. He did however agree to meet her in the park, which was a good place. Out in the open so they could avoid any awkwardness at first and work it out a little.

He shoved his hands in his pockets and made his way to the park. He was getting used to this place, it was so different from home. No factions for one not even a remnant of them. He glanced around and smiled when he saw Tris. She was just as he remembered as he headed over to her. He really still could not believe she was actually here.


Real smooth there Tobias, real smooth.

[info]passingthrough in [info]welcomethreads

Who: Kitty Pryde & Jubilee
What: Awkward roommate chats
Where: Their apartment
When: Monday
Rating/Status: PG for possible swears and talk of violence; closed/incomplete

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[info]getlaheyed in [info]welcomethreads

Who: Francis Barton, Isaac Lahey
What: Date!
Where: Outside-ish, probably
When: Backdated to Friday night, because I'm lame.
Ratings/Warnings: TBD, probably low?
Status: In progress

So outside, picnic kind of thing - that was date-like? Right? )