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War Is Coming Communications.



August 14th, 2009

filtered from baddies.

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We've got a lot work to do as far as setting things up go. The place could use some paint, new carpeting, and we need to work on security.

Lindsey, the water situation is cleared up right? We can get started?

Look, man. I know it's been crap lately, but we've gotta pull it together. Soon as we get this stuff up and done we're outta here.

At least I am. Lilith isn't waiting for us to keep on with the Seal breaking.

filtered away from lois lane.

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Sometimes you meet a girl. And you like her.

And sometimes that girl becomes a friend.

And then...sometimes...you make out with your friend. Sometimes.

I really wish I was a drinker today because I may be confused.

[Filtered against Bad Guys]

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Alright, now that we're getting ready to move into that block, I want to see how we are for medical supplies.

Who else here has any first aid qualifications? Would anyone be interested in learning some techniques in case I can't be there?

August 13th, 2009

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You've got demons. Where are the vampires?

...has anyone here actually dealt with a vampire before?

August 12th, 2009

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Hey Ron. You still up for going to the hospital with me? I'm thinking of going today.

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Humans are wonderful sometimes!

Do you know I actually just saw an young man help a old woman across the road. Just because she looked wary of it.

I put a thousand dollars in his bank account. He deserved it!

August 11th, 2009

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You know...some people really need to learn to think tacticly.

Luckily they've never been known for being the smart one.

Anyway, good work all of you involved. That was...pretty usual for whats to come, and thats not guess work. We've sucsessfully pissed Lilith off. Thats pretty much the best we can hope for for now. The defences seem to be holding on those apartments now though.

The rest of you and the newcomers, get the protections you need and talk to those that have been here longer, or me and Sam. We'll set it right.

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I broke down and bought one of those ipod things. Nothing compares to the vinyl collection back home, but seeing as I probably won't be getting my hands on them for a while I had to opt for something else. Even if it'll never compare, some of those vinyls you just can't replace, like Led Zeppelin's early stuff the sound just isn't the same. They make this packaging strong enough to survive a nuclear bombing. Even if we don't survive, hey at least the ipods will. Now..if I can figure out how to make thing turn on..okay maybe Bones was right about me and technology not getting along but seriously this is ridiculous

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Man, I'm bored. Anyone want to go do something?

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And alcohol poisoning and throwing up the next morning and the headaches and all that other stuff!

And the Backstreet Boys are totally gay and there are mountains at the bottom of the ocean and zebras can’t see orange and the scientific name for the raccoon is Procyon lotor and I read War and Peace and that has 1,475 pages!

And then I found two dollars outside. And that was awesome too. And I'm at the library and there are so many books here. So so many.

August 8th, 2009

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You know how those demons don't like holy water?

Do you know how you all enjoy flinging it around while we're fighting them?

Know how there's a vampire working on YOUR TEAM who isn't a fan of holy water either? Yeah? You do? Really?

Watch your aim.

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I don't understand why a person would want to dress up in a cheesy costume, prance around a city, and spend all their time saving people.

...okay, the saving people thing I get. Also the need to keep your identity in the dark. But costumes? Really?

August 7th, 2009

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We showed those demons, didn't we? Yeah! Go Gryffin - er, whatever we are.

I want a team name. We can be Team Brilliant. Team Amazing. Team Ron is Incredibly Sexy.

The last one has a nice ring to it, doesn't it?

filtered from the baddies

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I have to say, after letting loose on those guys yesterday, I feel so much better.

Hell I might even feel good enough to deal with some of the assholes around here

So despite being stuck in a different world and having to face off with demons and psycho werewolfs with magic and old hags with magic, how's everyone doing?

I hope this doesn't ruin my mood

August 6th, 2009

filtered away from the criminals

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I mainly am addressing you, Booth, but I figured everyone else may want to know that I have successfully identified the other victims you brought me.

I'll send you the reports over email.

Let me know if there is anything else I can do on this.

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Fall asleep in Boston, wake up in Lawrence. Thought that was the Vegas specialty.

August 5th, 2009

filtered from the hag and the dog

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So I'm not the only one who is noticing how big that moon is getting right?

Anyone in the mood for a little hunt, because I think tomorrow is going to be the day to do it.

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Everybody made it out of there alright, right?

I've had a bad day. Come keep me company?

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It is possible to lead a cow upstairs but not downstairs.
The world's youngest parents were 8 and 9 and in lived in China in = 1910.
The youngest pope was 11 years old.
Shakespeare invented the word "assassination" and "bump."
A snail can sleep for three years.
On average, people fear spiders more than they do death.

Apparently, anyway.

This is what I read about when they force me to stay late at work but I actually have nothing to do.

August 4th, 2009

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Those children...
It's him, I know it is.
I'll kill him.

I'm going out tonight.
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