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War Is Coming Communications.



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February 28th, 2010

Filtered to Apartment Teenagers

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So, since I'm still under house arrest I was wondering if I could talk someone into doing  a little shopping for me today.  Don't worry, it isn't anything embarrassing. 

Edit: Only Dawn and I aren't leaving and it's because of a crazy goddess that sees Dawn's blood as the way for her to return home to her hell. And since Dawn and I kind of look exactly alike she thinks I'm Dawn too.

Edit 2: It seems that unbeknownst to me there was some spell placed and I can go out. Would have been nice to know, just saying.

February 23rd, 2010

Filtered to the Girls

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Okay, so whoever rigged the heat? I want to thank you.

February 21st, 2010

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Someone screamed at one of my minions. Rude!

Though on the plus side this place is all buzzy with power. And I miss home.

Hey Dawnie. Want to play a game?

February 20th, 2010

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I'm going to sm
She's ins
I'm not dealing with her shit

I need to hit something.

Kendra, up for some training?

I hate he
So what are y
About what you sa


February 12th, 2010

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This is the first time since Anya that I've had sex.

And you know what, Andrew? It was pretty darn good.

[ooc: Pink kryptonite!]

February 10th, 2010

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Why am I in Lawrence, Kansas? Why does the date say that it is two thousand and nine? What kind of sorcery is this? Tell me who is responsible for taking me away from my mission in Sunnydale? I nee want to know right now.
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