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War Is Coming Communications.



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February 28th, 2010

Filtered to Apartment Teenagers

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So, since I'm still under house arrest I was wondering if I could talk someone into doing  a little shopping for me today.  Don't worry, it isn't anything embarrassing. 

Edit: Only Dawn and I aren't leaving and it's because of a crazy goddess that sees Dawn's blood as the way for her to return home to her hell. And since Dawn and I kind of look exactly alike she thinks I'm Dawn too.

Edit 2: It seems that unbeknownst to me there was some spell placed and I can go out. Would have been nice to know, just saying.

February 27th, 2010

Filtered against baddies

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Satellite radio, one of man's greatest inventions. Now I don't have to drive in silence on long trips. No more losing channels.

They tried to overcharge me and make me wait to install it when it wasn't really that hard! I can handle a car stereo. It's when it starts smoking or stalling that I call a mechanic. Or Clark.

I'll be on my way in a few hours Bobby. With Thatcher's little sis in tow.

February 25th, 2010

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I've had these kittens for almost two weeks now, and I feel mean. I can't come up with a good name.

under here! )

February 23rd, 2010

Filtered to Virgil

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How do you feel about puppysitting?

February 20th, 2010

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Chloe made me get this dog.

She is the greatest dog that has ever lived and I'm not exaggerating at all. She is by far ten times smarter than Chloe's dog. I mean, she already knows three tricks and it's only been a day. So far she's only gone to the bathroom inside two times. That's a genius.

Tim, you should come see her. I'll let you take her outside.


February 17th, 2010

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This place is... I don't even have the word for it. I don't think that I've digested what happened... Not completely. But I don't understand this place. Everyone was actin' weird! It makes no sense! And then suddenly... people are acting more normal? I'm starting to feel that there is nothing here that's normal. And seeing how we all got here? Middle of this war and all? I got the idea that nothing will be for a while. Haven't been this confused since... well not getting into that.

Makes me sorta long for the bang babies back home in Dakota... My head is hurting... Someone wanna point me in the direction of the nearest junkyard? Yeah I know what time it is, doesn't matter, Need to do something, head's moving too fast. Junkyard, maybe corner store.

Private )

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I hate this place with the burning passion of a thousand angry hippogriffs.

February 16th, 2010

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I’m fine. The same can’t be said for the living room carpet, but it’s coming up tomorrow so it won’t be there much longer. Claire, I know I didn’t get to thank you in person so I wanted to do it here. Thank you. What you did meant a lot. If you ever need anything all you have to do is name it. You saved my life. I feel like I owe you. Even if it’s not done right now.

And Tim… I just

I don’t want

Fuck it

February 15th, 2010

complex filter

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I don't know what else to do. I suck in these situations I I'm gonna sit with him till he wakes up.

Gonna stay with Oliver, Bart's gonna help look for Tim instead.

Stay with me?

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I shot the Arrow. Someone may want to go clean that up.

[ooc: after there thread will link later]

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Since Oliver seems to really enjoy flushing his money down the toilet on Hello Kitty games I’m going to return the favor by throwing them out the window. Because every single one of these games sucks and somebody in this apartment is a huge so not funny freaking cheater and I know he went out of his way to annoy us because I can tell you right now that they DO NOT sell these atrocious unbeatable games in stores for unsuspecting little children to stumble upon.

And Virgil, don't play Guitar Hero with him. He whines when you kick his ass at it. A lot.

February 14th, 2010

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...okay so it's a message board system. Okay, can deal with that, no big. Done it before. Doesn't really answer any questions I got though.

So, someone wanna spill what's going on? Why I've tried to go back to sleep to wake up from this crazy dream and haven't found myself back home in Dakota and why I can't find my folks? This has gotta be the freakiest junk food induced dream I ever had... No more fried chicken before bed.

February 12th, 2010

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I’ve finally decided that if I’m ever going to get married, it’s going to be to her. And you know, it’s not just because she’s amazingly hot and it’s not only because of the fishnets which are the best part of her costume and in fact the best thing I’ve ever seen in my whole entire life. It’s because Dinah is awesome and nobody can compete with her and it doesn’t matter what they wear because it fails and they’re ugly. If she shows up which I really really really hope she does I’m gonna tell her that she needs to let her hair grow out and then we should go somewhere that’s fancy because she deserves it.

And Chloe you should make me food.

(ooc: Yes, Ollie drank a little too much. XD)

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All right. I'm convinced. This isn't the Attic. The Attic was way more confusing. Kind of like a riddle, but with the whole part where the riddle might actually be able to kill you. That kinda thing.

What now?

February 10th, 2010

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Okay. Who's head am I in now?

Echo? Priya?


February 8th, 2010

filtered to Bart and Oliver

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My powers came back.

February 6th, 2010

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Oh. My. God.

What was I thinking with these shoes. I can't believe it. I have no other shoes. Fashion emergency!

January 31st, 2010

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Some kid asked if he could sit in my lap today.

I'm not Santa. I don't let kids sit in my lap. And I hope that anyone dressing as Spider-Man wouldn't either.


January 30th, 2010

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I kinda want a pet..and the thing in the back of the fridge doesn't count, even if I think I saw it staring at me this morning when I tried to get the eggs out.

January 22nd, 2010

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I'm officially on comic withdrawl. Claire, do you like comics? I just realized I've still got some of my allowance left and am in severe need of a run. Theres three shops in town, and I still haven't even seen the town yet. Not in daylight anyway.
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