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December 8th, 2012

Filtered against Lucifer and all his evil mates.

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I was sitting round feeling all smug that I finally get to teach Hermione magic, then I remembered that she's a bloody kid and noticed another little midget trying to make a move on her and...er.

Firewhiskey. If there was one thing I could wish for in the entire world right now, it'd be firewhiskey. And lots of it.

What about the lot of you?

December 6th, 2012

Anti Evils

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This building's got an elevator? How come I never noticed that before? That would have been fantastic to know on Monday. Would have kept me off those bloody stairs.

Also, can I just say what a relief it is to have my magic and morphing back? Because it really is one. I didn't like being a muggle. Not that there's anything wrong with muggles, because there's not, but it's just not for me.

You doing alright today? Want me to come by or anything?

Filtered against evil

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Glad to have my magic back. Felt really lost and useless without it. Hope everyone's doing all right. All right as they can anyway.

Any more injuries I should know about?

How're you holding up?

December 2nd, 2012

Filtered against Lucifer.

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I was scouting the area and discovered that a group of ghouls have been feasting on civilians a few blocks from the apartment complex. I plan on taking them out quickly.

Would anyone care to join me?

Filtered against evil and apparently possessed people too

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It looks like what we learned in the history books at school out there. All crazy and scary and fear. I don't like it. And I like it even less that my magic doesn't work I can't defend myself.

How're things? ...Got a question for you.

Filtered against evil/possessed people/anyone under 18

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Okay, I'm gonna be honest, here... A LOT of the comments on Peter's post are pissing me off. Yeah, this is a rant. Don't like it? Don't wanna hear it? Keep on scrolling.

In which Ginger gets her rant on
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December 1st, 2012

Filtered to Hermione

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Are you living by yourself here?

Filtered Against evil, Jerry, Katherine, possessed people, and minors

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So during this discussion with Hermione, she's brought up some fairly good points. Kids are more likely to lose things, so depending on the amulets may not be enough. I don't like the idea of allowing kids that young to get a permanent tattoo, but getting some temps made up might not be a bad idea. Or, if we ever get this power inhibition sorted out, perhaps looking into some way to create an imprint on the skin using magic so that it is painless.

Though, like I said to Hermione there, even if you have the tattoo, somethign could happen to damage it. So, those of you with the tattoo, I'd recommend wearing the amulet as well, especially given the current situation.

That matter aside... I've been thinking. The Seal seems to like sending kids through to this shithole far too often. And I know some of them are getting old enough that they can manage on their own, and others show up and have family here that can look after them. But then we get ones like Hermione, who are far too young to be living on their own. It might be a good idea to set up some kind of foster care system for kids, say, 15 and younger, or thereabouts. We could set up a list of volunteers, stable adults who would be able to look after a child until the Seal pulls them back or sends an adult they know and trust through. Any thoughts on this?

Filtered against evil

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I still don't have my signals. It's wrong. All wrong. I don't like it. I want them back.

November 30th, 2012

Filtered against Evil, Jerry, Katherine, and possessed people

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Alright, so we've managed to restock the armory somewhat. Nothing like what we had before, but still. Should be enough in there for all the hunters to arm themselves. Thank you so much to everyone who's pitched in. Especially you, Lois.

Seems like things are getting even worse out there. Just a reminder, especially for those of you who are new to Lawrence: Don't go anywhere alone, don't go out unarmed, and be sure to keep your amulets on you at all times. And do keep in mind, if you have a run in with someone who is possessed, there is an innocent in there too, and physically harming the body only hurts them, not the demon.

Stay safe, everyone.

[Friends Only] (ooc: includes Andrew's friends as well as Peter's)
I know things are shitty right now for everyone. Hopefully something happy can lift people's spirits a bit.

It's two months now, today. For me and Andrew. Maybe I can keep this up after all Happy anniversary, love.

I love you. I don't think I say it enough. So I'll say it again. I love you.

Filtered against evil

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I see things haven't changed much around here. Still batshit crazy. Anyone wanna fill me in on what particular brand of it we've been hit with? Besides the giant rash of demons I now seriously regret not learning about last time...

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[Filtered against Lucifer, his agents, anyone currently possessed by his demons, Crowley and Sam Winchester for good measure]

So, people are being possessed. We know about Darcy, but has anyone else been taken? And then there's all the demons in town anyway, innocent people with pure evil forced inside them.

I know it's not something a lot of us like to think about, but there are innocent people in there, screaming to get out, praying someone will just help them. I know because I was one of them, for a year. Physical damage to the hosts won't hurt the demon at all, and it could kill the person. And choking on your own blood while everything is broken inside you is not a nice way to die

If you get possessed, then fight. Fight and scream and kick inside your own head, resist in every way you can, lock away things you know they might use. It'll be a fight you'll lose, I'm sorry. The demon will be more powerful, but the bigger headache you can cause them in the meantime, the better the chances that we can get it out of you.

November 29th, 2012

Filtered Against Evil

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So, quick question. Is it always like this around here? Because I'm not used to this whole... fighting the forces of darkness thing. That's not really my generation. That was more... the previous generation. Mine just gets to hear about how thankful we should be that they did what they did. And most of us are! Don't get me wrong. Because we are. I am. But... not really used to this is all I'm trying to say here.

November 28th, 2012

filtered against evil

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Hello? Is this thing working? I've never really used much of these things before, so I'm not all that sure. So, hi? People can respond on here, yeah? Cause that'd be good, since I'm not sure how I ended up in Kansas. I'm not really supposed to be here right now, actually. And. Um. Is it just me or are things saying that it's 2012? Because that's just... weird. I swear I didn't take a Time Tur My magic isn't worki I can't appara

So can anyone tell me why I'm suddenly in bloody Kansas in the middle of the night instead of back in London?
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