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War Is Coming Communications.



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June 15th, 2014

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Well this has actually been the first fathers day that didn't suck.

Nice to see some people know how to get the whole parenting thing right.

June 14th, 2014

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I attempted to pour coffee in my cereal. I think I may be exhausted.

Filtered against Freddie and John and Khan

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Is it silly to give lots of people presents for fathers day if they aren't really your Dad?


Can I tell you a secret?

May 30th, 2014

No Evil, etc

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I have changed channels on Pandora three times. Every single time, Back in the USSR is playing. I'm giggling but I keep picturing poor Freddie's head exploding and it's really quite traumatic.

In better news, packing up my family and heading to Pennsylvania next week. I've traveled the world but I've actually never been there. It'll either be fun or a nightmare. I'm leaning towards fun.

No evil/heaven/Claudia

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So, the show my girlfriend is from has finally finished, and I want to do something good for her. Because let's face it, she's Claudia and she's amazing. I can teleport now, so I'm thinking some kind of holiday. Only I don't know Earth all that well. So advice? Where can I take her for a well earned break?

May 18th, 2014

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I saw dad and uncle Merrill and me and Morgan on tv with the bad aliens. Mum got smooshed on a tree. But she's in heaven now. I didn't dream about the tv before.

May 3rd, 2014

No Evil and No Bo!

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Bo's fifth birthday is next week and I'd like to throw a party for her. Everyone who'd like to come is invited. In fact, she'll insist on it. We'll have it next Saturday around 2. There will be plenty of food so don't worry about that.

We'll have it at the Youth Center but details on activities have to be decided on by the birthday girl!

[Bo H]

Angel, have you thought about what you might want to do for your birthday? I was thinking a special dinner the night of your birthday and your party on Saturday when more people can come.

May 2nd, 2014

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Did you figure out a hunt for us yet? I could help with that part, if you want?

Have you told Greg yet?


[John's friends (sans Molly)]
I told Molly about last time she was here. She was asking. I told her about Moriarty and Katherine and what they did to her and what happened to Sherlock and she's worried about hurting John but I didn't know what else to say or anything. I just thought you guys should know that she knows but I don't know if telling John that she knows would be better or worse or what. So. Um. There's that.

April 25th, 2014


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Bo wanted to go to the ball so I'm just going to take her for a few hours. Do you want me to leave you something for dinner or would you rather just order in?

April 21st, 2014

Filtered Against Evil, Bo, and Khan. And Kirk.

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How do you explain to a four year-old that not just everyone can offer up second chances?

And that some people are just antisocial.

And why is the social structure around here so complicated anyway?


Said four year-old has asked if she can go to the ball. I'd completely understand if you didn't want kids there, I just need to know what to tell her is all.

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Have you asked Florence to the ball yet?


Can I come too?


Will you dance with me at the ball Khan?

(ooc: improved typing skills means improved filters, yay less people get broken brains!)

March 23rd, 2014

No evil

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I've seen a few people posting about the wishes they've made and there's some pretty awesome things being wished for. For anyone wishing for enough money to start a business, I'd love to help you out. All this business knowledge in my head should be put to good use. So if you want to pick my brain I don't mind. And no charge to anyone who's displaced. I'll just charge other people.


The last time I tried to talk to you you were a kid. Lois said you were who I needed to talk to about helping with the medical center. Is there anything you need, money wise? I'll be glad to help out.


So apparently my facetwin got arrested for drunk driving. Promise me you will not let me be that stupid when we do the whole me drinking martinis in my tux thing goes down.

March 17th, 2014

Bo Hess

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Here's something I never, ever thought I'd be asking you.

Would you want to babysit little John today? I feel like Freddie deserves a day away, given all he's put up with around here.

He doesn't take much effort. I'll leave you guys money to order a pizza or something and he's got some new books to read. And little you will likely hold it over big him forever.

Of course, if you have other plans, it's fine, honestly! Just let me know, okay?

March 11th, 2014


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I'm all out of books.

March 10th, 2014

Adults 21+

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All right, Peter is posting to me saying...Jacen says he's a Jedi and Bae and Belle are talking bout ogres nd magic. He believes them...but Lois is warning the rest of the kids about them...

I have no idea who half these people are, but I don't even know where to begin. Do I tell him he's right that they're real? I have no idea how to handle this.

[Still properly aged friends]
He's here and he's tiny and more how I remember him and I missed so much with him, I kind of don't want this to end.

March 9th, 2014

Filtered From Children

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My suggestion? Gather up all of the children who don't have someone to watch them. We have enough room at the new Complex Sanctuary that a few of us can take turns watching over the kids. We also need someone to just do a big group explanation, rather than them finding out in bits and pieces. Kids are resilient, they'll adjust. Ours here did, why wouldn't this group?

Any volunteers? Anyone know specifically which kids are living by themselves? Or who have people with them who just don't want to or feel uncomfortable looking after little ones. There's no shame in it, I imagine it would be a bit weird having your partner suddenly much smaller.

March 8th, 2014

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i cant call my mum. what happened to london?

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Где я? Где моя мама?

[ooc: Where am I? Where is my mother?]

March 9th, 2014

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Backwards. Everything was backwards.

Where did all the little kids come from?

March 7th, 2014

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I've got 99 problems already, but sure why not. Lets add standing around in a graveyard to the list.
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