War Is Coming Communications.

March 18th, 2015

March 18th, 2015

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I have hidden away long enough. I have a daughter here, a beautiful daughter. I have family, god help me I even have friends. I miss Caroline of course. But life goes on.

And I got to experiment with abilities across worlds.

Its not the worst place to be

Filtered against the strigoi

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[Backdated to about 10:30pm]

So that vampire has definitely settled and isn't afraid to attack people he thinks are weak, but something weird happened.

He bit me and acted like I tasted...disgusting? I'm almost offe I don't quite know. I managed to fight him off after that with a couple spells, but I have no idea why he reacted that way. I know there are doctors here - can you possibly see if there's something different about my blood and maybe it's something we can convert to a weapon against him?

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Nothing that I am doing is working.

Will is...

Well, he's a swan. He's a very very grumpy looking swan and my magic should be able to fix that easily enough

Ideas would not be unwelcome

Filtered from Dimitri

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We need to talk about the vampire.

People are dying, and they might not be displaced, but we all know that shouldn't matter. They're people, people with lives and families. People that should be safe from what the seal brings to this place. Or told all about it, but that's an argument for later.

I want to know how we're fixing this and I have more than once offered to help. But we need to be doing something to keep the people here safe.

If I have to I'll let the fire loose

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So turns out you can't shoot a leprechaun.

And now I know that.

Did anyone else's Drunken Stereotype Day suck? ...those who were turned into swans don't have to answer

Filtered Against Dmitri

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I would like nothing more than to actually be able to abide by my doctor's advice to rest. But thanks to you all I don't foresee that happening. Arguing over the situation is going to solve nothing.

So, here is what is going to happen. Tonight we are going to have a meeting. Everyone that would like to solve our current vampire problem is expected to attend. You will all receive the location of the meeting by sundown. Yes, sundown, and not a moment sooner.

We will discuss the options available to us and put together a few plans. But I have one piece of advice. If you're only aim is to attend this meeting and cause trouble remember who you're dealing with. And do keep in mind that I am a month away from my due date and even more volatile than usual.

Miss Swan meet me in front of my bakery. You're about to receive a lesson in locator spells.

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I should not be here. This is not the place of screams.

Where is my sestra?

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I think I should have liked to stay a ninja, to have Family. A mind without purpose will perforce wander dark places. But a stream cannot choose where it flows, subject as it is to the whims of geography.

Now we've divided again, and everyone's afraid, or angry. And it all flows into and through her, like sand through grasping fingers.

I want to help. With the Vampire. How can I help?

[Filtered against all known threats]

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Sorry its taken me so long to get this sorted but I've been distracted ensuring all the wards on the shop are up to the job of keeping things out, it wouldn't have been sensible to set up a base of operations without beefing up the wards, not to mention this infernal machine hates me and I have no idea what happened to all my messages.

If anyone needs any help on patrol, or if people want me to start coordinating patrols again then sign up here, I know my usual teams have been out keeping up their patrols has anyone else taken up coordinating things while I've been busy.

Buffy, Faith if you can check in when you have a few minutes spare and give me the low down it would be appreciated.
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