War Is Coming Communications.

January 5th, 2015

War Is Coming Communications.


January 5th, 2015

No known Threats

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You have got to be shitting me.

This is just what I need

Great, just great.

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Okay singing mistletoe is a new one on me. 

Its the baubles evil twin isn't it? I'm not gonna kiss her to curse her and I'm definitely not gonna kiss anyone else...

It left after a few hours so its not as persistant

Filtered to Loki (of the Library)

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Backdated to before Christmas )

No Known Threats

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Well, latest seal hijinks could either be really annoying, or really hilarious.


If you wake up, and I'm not there. I'll be back soon. The seal sent singing mistletoe, which says you have to kiss someone in two hours, or it'll curse you. But, it will then pass that curse on to the person you kiss.

So, definitely not passing that onto you.

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I found this outside Sanctuary apartments this morning. I looked it up and it's a penguin and it shouldn't be in this District city. Does it belong to anyone?

No Evil

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Off to Russia for a week or two. Я надеюсь, что никто не пытается убить меня в этот раз. Is it bad I want to say please don't kill each other while I'm gone?

[Greaves House Residents]

Catherine is the General Manager now. I'm available if it's a dire emergency but generally if anything comes up talk to her first.

[OOC: I hope no one tries to kill me this time.]</b>

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Well hello sentient lifeforms, did someone out there summon me here or did the universe decide I was too attractive to not be here!

Did someone say something about kissing?

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My phone says I have three missed calls.

Sorry. You may as well just text me for a while. Or email me. Or get me on here.

Filtered to close friends

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I need to be so drunk right now. In fact whatever the place beyond drunk is, that's where I need to be.

No Evil

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Livvy, I wish you were still here. I have so much to tell you about how absolutely happy I am right now.

For anyone who was expecting Khan and I back today, there's been a change in plans and holiday locations. We'll see you all on the nineteenth.

[Bo H.]

I'm sure you're taking wonderful care of our pets. Would you mind watching them a little longer?

No Known Threats and No Lee Because Seriously I am not dealing with that crap right now

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As long as everyone kisses someone within the time limit, no one actually gets hit with anything nasty. All I did, was make it so Lexi had to kiss someone else. Which I seriously doubt she has a problem with.

For Fucks Sake, you're all acting like I killed her again or something. So, just chill the fuck out and just fucking stop being a bunch of pansies and kiss each other.
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