War Is Coming Communications.

June 26th, 2014

June 26th, 2014


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I'm going to Crowley and Anna's for few days. I'm actually staying this time. I'm not fucking abandoning shit anything. But I need a couple of days to decompress.

You okay? Been quiet...

I love you.

[Bo H.]
How are you and Florence doing, love?

[Rose T.]
Just checking on you.

(ETA) [No evil/Heaven/Family]
What do you do when you don't believe your own words anymore? When you've said something so many times, that you can't even trick yourself into believing it when you say it anymore? Because...I keep saying I want things to be different, but...it's still all the same and now it's all but torn my family completely apart. I want to fix it, but...

No evil/Heaven/Beacon Hills/Under 16s

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I know that when something bad happens, something really tragic, it's kind of normal to distance yourself fromeveryone and everything, it's...part of the processor whatever. But...is it normal to almost constantly question what's real and what's just a dream? Because half the time I can't tell he difference anymore and I don't know what to do

You have extra fingers in dreams, right?

Hey. Are you settling in okay and everything?

No evil jerks/jerky Heaven people

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I need to know if it can survive in Lawrence and then I need to GET ONE!Read more... )

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So, I heard talk of Karaoke and laser tag? Is this a thing anyone can get in on?

no evil

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dental check up and no cavities

see. having two never-ending drawers full of candy isn't gonna always mess up your teeth!

i don't think ais is ready for lollipops yet though, even if she keeps trying to take mine.

when can baby sisters start to do really cool things

Melissa McCall

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We should probably talk? I mean if you're not busy or anything.

Filtered to Damon.

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I need two things. A bottle of scotch, a good vintage of one. And your promise that this conversation never happened.

Text to Katherine

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>>Hello, sweetheart.
>>How is Hal handling his transformation?

No evil/heavenly bastards

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Roll call on who's still willing to do the classes.

Or if you wanna take one over.

[ooc: >As a reminder the classes are here and sooooooooooooooooooooooooooo need to be updated, which I'll do when this is done]
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