War Is Coming Communications.

June 27th, 2014

June 27th, 2014

no evil or heaven

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I have no idea what is even happening right now, but I am...definitely liking it. Is this what the 60s felt like?

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Is there any culture in this barbaric savage city? Music? Opera? Theater? Anything that is not the...television as I am told it's called?

No Evil/Heaven/Lee or Lexi

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So, this whole second chance thing we all have?

The one where we all said we're only going to count the bad things that we've done here.  And not the bad things we did at home.

How is it supposed to work?  Because blabbing to someone who's been here two days about the horrible things I've done, before they've even had a chance to actually get to know me, seems pretty contradictory to me.

I don't expect some people to ever be alright with me.  But this has really pissed me off.

It's my birthday tomorrow.  I really don't want to deal with any of this right now.


You busy tomorrow little bro?


I love you.

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It isn't that I don't appreciate the concern guys. I do. I really do and it means so much to me. But I'm okay. I'm not going to have a breakdown, I'm not going off the deep end. Yeah, it hurts. I'm really tired of the Seal messing around with me and a girl starts to take it personally. Yes, I miss him. I miss all of them

But I've missed too much to throw it all away again. I'm back at school, back at the Center, and I'll still be teaching my classes here. In fact, it's probably time for another Welcome to Lawrence.

So see? Still standing. I just needed some time, that's all, i promise.

Nope. No Evil. Including Heavenly Evil

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All right. That's it. I surrender.

I don't get muggle sports.
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