War Is Coming Communications.

January 23rd, 2013

January 23rd, 2013

Filtered against Lucifer.

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UPDATE: Morgana. You're the woman for me.

Let's get married.

[ooc: No, I'm not randomly looking at the taken list and selecting characters for Jason to harass. HOW DARE YOU IMPLY SUCH A THING.]

No evil if any sort

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I can't believe I've been in this universe for a year now. Happy to say though in that time I didn't do any sort of dying.

no evil

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Morbid curiosity is an arse sometimes. I really shouldn't have watched those movies.

This is a really vague filter against evil.

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I don't suppose any of you have seen a blue box around here, have you? It's quite big. Very hard to miss.

...unless it's cloaked. Then we might have ourselves a bit of a problem.

RIGHT. New question! Has anyone walked into an invisible box lately?

Filtered Against Evil & peeeeeps who haaate drunkenessesss

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meeeriiiln iii maek goooood drukn fooood

gooooood stweeeew bseeet evrrr n stiiilse helllpd

stiiiiiiiiiiisels weeee shudl wahtc a stpudi fiiiiilm

[hooooooooowse of weeeseypottttts (HP house) =+ stilses]


stilses siii staaaaatign toniiiihgt attt teh=eh hoooose

[teeeeeeeeeedddddddd y]


Filtered Against Evil

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Who wants to come with me this weekend to teach an angel how to dance?


You are not exempt from this, Sir Guy. Just so you know.
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