War Is Coming Communications.

November 10th, 2012

November 10th, 2012

Filtered against evil and Gaia

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Claudia's gone. I can't find her anywhere.

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[Friends filter]

God damn it all
What next, Seal? Are you sending me back?
If that happens, at least I'll be dead. For a while at least

I need to get out and do something.

Or anyone fancy a martial arts duel? I need to hit something

[Bruce B.]

And having a completely engrossing project to work on would not be something I'd say no to.


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Fayina says that she would like you to bring "the red streak hair lady" to dinner for her birthday.


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If you need another voice in the mix for diagnostics, I'm here and I could use something interesting to do. Delusions are always fun. I should probably look into the whole getting-my-license-back thing too...but that's really neither here nor there, is it?

Filtered Against Baddies

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uhhhh so i know that peter was being jerky about it last night and all, but he really needs a doctor. and i mean REALLY needs one. he's kinda delirious, breathing hard, i don't have a thermometer but i can tell his fever is REALLY high, he keeps muttering about things, and flinching when he's touched

i would just drag him down to the med bay myself and all but i'm also really sick so i can't really move him easy but i'm not as sick as he is so can someone help?

Filtered against evil

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I was curious if there is a safe place for the style of fighting my sister and I do when we return from camp. We're firebenders and I very much doubt the gym in the complex is fire proofed given how...intense we get.

Filtered against Evil and Katherine and Facetwins

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How the fuck does he do that? How can he tell by just looking? I'm not that obvious, am I? Seriously, how the hell does he know???

So does anyone here have a facetwin that doesn't suck? Because all of mine seem to be slightly crazy jerks who kinda scare me, and it really makes me worry. It's not like a universal thing for people with my face, is it? Do I come across that way too? If so, I am so sorry.

Texts to Sam

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>>So, you're not okay, with Crowley
>>...which I get cause, demon
>>But he is on our side and I do want him to meet Emily, we did talk about this before
>>You can be there if you need to be but she's safe, you know she's safe with me.
>>He wouldn't hurt me.
>>Then you and me are going for dinner,
>>Because you're amazing and I don't deserve you

No evil!

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Why didn't you say "hey, guess what, Kat? I'm getting that really awesome flu that's going around!" before you told me to go over there? I could have taken precautions. Like, you know, vitamins. Or maybe a breathing mask, or Lysol mist barrier, or something.

But noooooo.

Relatedly, unintentionally teleporting mid-sneeze? Really freakin' disorienting. Holy crap.

Hello there, Cairo. Long time no see.

no evil

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Bruce isn't picking up his comm link. It's been nothing but radio silence too long. Has anyone seen him? Did he get hurt and I haven't even
I've been distracted lately but I would have noticed

filtered against evil

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greetings to all. though i have been here for several days i have been learning and adapting to this time. i am gannicus. pleasure to meet you all.
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