War Is Coming Communications.

November 4th, 2012

November 4th, 2012

h0o00000ooo baad goway

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imissssss neeed y

i wasabaaaaaaaaad frniedn wehn seh ecmmme bak shullld haev been tehr f4 hwe

cooockunurt eumr NS JIIIIIXW IA FGOOOD

no evil

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Umm..not that watching movies isn't awesome, but what exactly am I supposed to do all day?


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Hello, my name is Svetlana Sergievsky. I was asked if I would not mind helping your daughter find familiar teas to those from your own home and I was wondering if that was all right with you. My family and I live in the complex.

no evil

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Pete Lattimer was sent home last night.

Now I really am alone
Watchtower is so lonely

Filtered to Girl Friends (+ Jack cause he's one of the girls anyway)

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I'm about 85% certain Guy of Gisborne just asked me out.

anti-evil filter

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This is totally my new favorite song.

Filtered Against Evil

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Bobby is Major Payne, basically.

Tell me I'm not the only one that knows the reference? You all see it, right? Only he's not whipping people's asses into a cool ass drill team. Am I right?

Draco and I got yelled at earlier, I think if he had the power to make us drop and do 50 he would.


This shit is hard. I think I might be too dumb for it if I didn't have my best bud Draco here with me.


I'm bad at camp, whoops.

Filtered Against Evil

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Just came across a Disney movie called T*Witches....yes the asterisk was part of the name. And I'm really not sure what to think about this. I think it must be a leftover from October before they move into Christmas stuff, but wow.

Not that I'm in a hurry for Christmas stuff, even though everything is already going into Christmas mode now.

So, favorite Thanksgiving dishes, people, go! Or favorite dishes in general if Thanksgiving isn't your thing.

[Aunt Pheebs]

Haven't heard from you in a while. Everything all right?


Three things:

1. I'm taking you out to dinner next weekend, Friday to be exact, it's a date, no choice.
2. I love you. I only really had two but wanted to put in three for some reason, don't judge me.
3. I want to get a cat, and I'm ready to talk you into this too, basically. They've got a pretty big selection at the Lawrence Humane Society, and I think we should go look sometime.

[Winchester Family Filter]

It's officially November, figured it'd be a good idea to check and see what we want the game plan to be for Thanksgiving.

I'm more than willing to cook things, but where do we want to have it and all that good stuff? Sam and Ruby's again or what's up this year guys?

Filtered against the evil of this realm, Azula

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While I am not attempting to turn people away from my sister, I would like to advise everyone to use caution when dealing with her. She has no shame in lying and manipulating people and will make people fear her to gain control over them. So please, be careful when dealing with her.

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[Filtered against Evil- which he finds ironic on some level]

I've recently relocated here and given the situation that it seems this place is in I would be rather grateful for any resources on the matter that could be helpful in examining this apocalypse. I'm rather low on my own resources with the dimensional shift as it were.

filtered against evil

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Just because a girl has one injured hand does not mean she can’t fire a gun. I feel this should be something taught because it requires real skill to be able to do it. Sure, two handed is much more effective, but you’re not always going to be in the ideal situation, right?

Is it next week yet so I can get this damn cast off?

[Filtered to Andrew and Peter]

So why exactly are you hiding this relationship thing anyway?

Also. Boys. Coats are good things to wear in the cold. Or find a better place to go at it than the back of some old car in the scrap yard.

[Filtered to Emma]

How's the salt craving going? Have you bought your place a gourmet popcorn maker yet or are you still using August for all of your popcorn needs?

Also, by any chance do you know who was working for Moriarty in Lawrence?

Filtered from the Evils of your 'Hell'

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I have residence. But I require the following.

Money to purchase clothing and food.
Information on this 'camp' I am to attend to learn how to fight the enemies here.
Someone to invent a way to keep idiots from speaking to me via this device.
Some manner of tea.

My name, by the way, Is Fire Lord Azula. Princess of the Fire Nation. I am told I was here before but as I have no memory of it, it seems irrelevant to dwell on that. I am here now and must adapt to my surrounding. I am a capable fighter and wield the power of fire and of lightning.  Tell me where I might best apply my skills.

ffeiltered noo evill

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Friends Filter

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First Myka, now Pete... Guess the Seal's decided to play fuck-with-Claudia now... Is Jinks next? H.G.? I can't deal wi
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