War Is Coming Communications.

November 5th, 2012

November 5th, 2012

Filtered against Evil and Katherine

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Hey, has anyone at all heard from Molly Hooper? Because I can't get in touch with her. I hope she didn't get But then, she wanted to go home, so god I hate this

What all will I need to look after a cat?

I want to go do something soon with everyone. Could we all go do dinner or something?

Filtered against evil

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First of all: Thank you, Kurt, for an amazing fun time last night. It was so needed.

Second: I miss Vegas. :[

Third: Peter mentioned a theater group or something to me before. Bring me up to speed, here, and I can help with organizing some things since Peter can't organize his way out of a 5x9 closet.

Fourth: I don't exist here, right? This should probably be fixed. Also, a job. I could use one of those. Waitressing or bartending were my main ways of income before the show with Peter in Vegas, if that helps?

Texts to Epiphany

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»what are you doing tonight, love?
»because if your answer is "nothing", I think it should change to "having drinks with you"
»because i need a fucking drink. or ten.


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Looks like Molly's gone. Better for her though. Are you going to stay with me or
I don't know what this is

Filtered to Jess

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What do you think of this idea from Lois as a way of shortening the hours of operation at the med bay but still being accessible when needed?

Filtered against evil, and Katherine, and Gaia

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River is making things. Things that are actually rather interesting. I like it.

The den may never be the same, but it's worth it.

Filtered to Rose

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Can I reserve a room at the center for a small engagement party on November 18th and then a baby shower in December--still figuring out exactly when to do that one. But I know the engagement party is supposed to be a lowkey endeavor and I figure using your place would be good for that. Let me know how much it is to rent out a room if that's even possible to do.


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It seems I've managed to upset you.
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