War Is Coming Communications.

July 11th, 2012

July 11th, 2012

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[About twenty minutes after Jim's post]

Texts to John Watson )

Text to Lois

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» I told y I heard... You okay?

[ooc: a few minutes later]

» Not to be a bitch and kick you when you're down but...I told you to listen to Clark, Lois. I've been here a while...sometimes I know what I'm talking about. I should have ratted you out

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Well good golly Miss Molly. Its time for your big performance.

You're going to leave the complex, go to [address of an old bar downtown that's closed down] and just when you get there you're going to tell John Watson that I have you. That I allowed you to text him and said to say that I was amazing and fooled Sherlock. That I have a device that makes all magic unable to affect me and ....what was the...

Oh right, that I'm going to kill you if he doesn't come here alone.

I know it goes without saying because really, Katherine is deliciously useful, but tell no one. And make sure Watson knows if he does, I'll put a bullet in your brain and there's nothing any of the dear heroes can do about it. And make sure he knows that includes Sherlock.

Run along now, there's a good girl!


Now darling I need you to keep an eye on Molly once things get set in motion. When I finally have Watson out of the way, and Sherlock is on the glorious little warpath of confused emotion I know he will be. I want you to free her mind.

I want her to feel all that lovely guilt she's been building up. I want her to know she caused this. Though I am sort of convinced part of her will be happy she helped off her love rival.

As always I'll make it worth your while, even get you a replacement.

Filtered to Banner

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Hey, how's things going Banner?

Communicator to Oliver Queen

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When are you getting back?

Filtered against evil and stupid stuff

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If anyone needs anything just let me know. Supplies, whatever.

[Text to Connor]
You're not kidnapped and bomb strapped right?

Filtered against evil/Moriarty/Katherine/Gaia/Mr. Dark

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So this guy was talking about doing 'round the clock patrols, but I didn't see anything get set up yet. I can take the midnight to dawn shift with whoever wants to come with 'cept that blond bit. I figure maybe two or three per shift? Anyone else want in on this?

ETA: Hey Chloe, I heard you were working on this?

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Love is clockworks
And cold steel
Fingers too numb to feel
Squeeze the handle
Blow out the candle
Love is blindness

filtered against evil, moriarty, katherine

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I need someone who knows about disarming bombs to help me get to Damon. He's at the benches near the fountain in the park.

[Friends. You know who you are]

Don't any of you try to stop me. I'm not losing anyone I care about. I'm going, so come with me or let me go.

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Bloody hell
Damn Irishman

I have a message and a question.

Message )

Someone help?

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Oh God...I know I know! It's forbidden love and I'm doomed and...and...and we're doomed and everything's doomed!

So I ran to the devil, he was waitin'
I ran to the devil, he was waitin'
Ran to the devil, he was waitin'
All on that day


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Don't get me wrong, Stefan. I don't mind being a bad guy. I'll make all the life and death desicions, while you're busy worrying about collateral damage. I'll even let her hate me for it. But at the end of the day, I'll be the one to keep her alive.

This is the end
Beautiful friend
This is the end
My only friend, the end
Of our elaborate plans, the end
Of everything that stands, the end
No safety or surprise, the end
I'll never look into your eyes... again

Filtered to the good guys.

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I think I have a lead on the new semtex.

A flight plan was scheduled last minute, leaving to Niagara Falls in Canada. I'm trying to gather more information but all I can tell for now is that it was a private jet.

Filtered against evil, Moriarty and Katherine

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Someone who knows how to disarm bombs. I need you to come with me and help save Jaime because I do not want to kill him or lose him and if I have to shove my knife in his vitals, I will just...die myself or something.

[OOC: Pretend this was posted like right after her and Joff decided to consult bomb experts to help them save Jaime, yes?]

Filtered against evil, Moriarty, & Katherine

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[ooc: Pretend this was posted much earlier today]

It was me. I did it, it's all my fault...I'm so sorry. He was making me spy for him and tell him things and listen to him and meet him and I couldn't do anything to stop it and I'm so very sorry.

I'm so, so sorry. He has John. I couldn't stop it - he made me make John come. I've been telling him so much all this time....I'm so sorry.

Texts to Emma

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✉ Its close my dear, so very close
✉ Had to pop out for a little while. Don't wait up
✉ I know this is hard for you fairytale but it'll be worth it in the end.

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The boy won't talk. And if he does, I'll kill him. Him, Ned Stark, the King, the whole bloody lot of them until you and I are the only people left in this world

Text to Clark

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» Moriarty has John Watson.
» Sherlock needs a ride from Rome to Niagra Falls.
» Look at me helping.
» So there
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