War Is Coming Communications.

March 15th, 2012

March 15th, 2012

Text to Clark

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»I want a hug.
»You should give me one.
»That's what normal people do or something right?

Filtered against evil, Moriarty, Katherine, Molokov AND Lannisters

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I'm leaving. Don't know when I'll be back, but I can't stay here.

Anders, you can come if you want.

Felicia, we'll have those drinks whenever I return.

And if Jaime Lannister goes asking about me, tell him you haven't seen me. And don't bother to even tell me what he wants with me. I don't care anymore. Which is a lie but I can't take this emotion right now

[OOC: See Isabela break completely. And see her turn and run when she can't handle things.]

Filtered to Jaime

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JAIME LANNISTER! How is it you never told me about this?

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My birthday was on Saturday. I didn't even realize it had come and gone what with the seal messing with me and everything. I can't believe it's taken me this long to realize it.

Text to Connor

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»I think we're okay now, me and Clark.
»He doesn't hate me
»we spent most of last night throwing baseballs into space.
»I kinda hit a satellite tho. Whoops?

Filtered to the Master

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Beware the Ides, do you remember?

How times have changed us

Filtered Against Evil

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So...2012 isn't exactly what I thought it would be. I'm still mad there's still no flying cars. Not even in my time, but I imagine most things are different from what I remembered. I took a quick trip over to San Francisco, just to see, you know? I know it isn't 'my' world anyway, and things would be different no matter what, but it is sort of nice to see things so...normal there.

So. My sister Mel advises me there's a war going on here. And thanks to her, I'm actually alive and kicking and able to fight. How can I help?

[Aunt Prue]

So...Mel says you're here. And that if I do this, you'll actually be able to read it. And that you're you you, not spirit you. So, um, hi.

No Evil, Katherine, or Moriarty, please

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Moscow hot dogs?

Okay, what? I mean, I looked through the rest of those, and they all sound incredibly nauseating. But I can honestly say that's not something I expected to see.

Think we'll be sticking to fast food. Fast food without...that.

Though, really, this just gets me that much more excited for Paris. Paris is nice. Paris does not have strange hot dog bars. Paris has chocolate. And clothes. And I've got money to burn. Poor boy doesn't know what's about to hit him!

Filtered to Katherine

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I noticed you've spoken with Rikki.

Harm her and I'll end you.

Filtered against evil, Moriarty, Molokov, and the evil psychobitch vampire Katherine

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So, lesson learned. Pay better attention to the filters, ingest and carry vervain daily, and avoid Katherine at all costs.

[Elphaba's House and Lexi]

So, thanks for smacking sense into my head.


Burn in hell you hateful bitch.


Can we talk? Please? I need to talk with you, it's important.

filtered against Evil, Katherine, Molokov and Moriarty

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Well, I've been here for a few days and have looked over the boards and read all there is to read so I figured I'd introduce myself more officially.

I'm Myka Bering and was working in the Warehouse with the Secret Service in a branch with both Claudia Donovan and Helena before showing up here. I'm skilled in martial arts and fencing and can speak French, Russian, Italian, Japanese and Latin which looks to be beneficial for here and can read Chinese.

I'm not good at just sitting around, so how can I help with the situation here?


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I'm going to take a wild guess here, you're going after Jason?

to Shannon

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I hear your Katherine problems are dealt with. How are things on the home front with good ol' Tony?

Fltierd agafin////fuck baddies k? And Clark. no hiuim. :P

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I msised the Indy mucis scene SO much. Who's supre fast or flying or teleporting or whatever, come hang out! Drinks on me, bitches!

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