War Is Coming Communications.

January 19th, 2012

January 19th, 2012

Filtered to Eleven

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Would you get all huffy if I took the TARDIS for a little spin?

Filtered to that Jimmy Hudson kid

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Hey kid. Been hearin rumors you got a power similar to mine. Any truth to it?

Filtered to Ivy

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Hey so...

You didn't happen to explode a pesticide place didya Red. Cause they're gonna blame you!

Mostly crazybird. But I would kick his hypocrite ass for ya!


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I'm not like F Robert, or A
I did nothing wrong and you have no right to be upset with me.
Mother said when I was King, I cou
What is the point of being King if I can't do what I want to do?

I have had keys for the main areas of the palace made for you. They will not open everything, just because you are my f my protector does not mean I do not want some privac but the majority of the rooms will be available to you, should you require entry. If you would like a living space, I will have one set aside for you.

Edited later against evil

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Okay. Can the demon that is doing this please step forward? I really don't have the time to hunt you down and slay you. I've got a million things going on at home. Pretty please? With a cherry on top? Or maybe you're just too scared to come and face me yourself. Yeah, I've seen the likes of you before. You think you're big for sending me to some alternate dimension. I've been there, done that. This is old news. Now, can we get on with the slayage?

Jason Todd. Deal with it.

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Guess who showed up.

You don't like me and I don't like you but we both hate the Joker and want him dead. Truce for the time being?
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