War Is Coming Communications.

January 14th, 2012

January 14th, 2012

No Evil at the Party

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Anyone willing to help an elderly man celebrate the big 3-0 tonight?

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E-mail intended for Elena Gilbert accidentally ends up on the comm

Elena, I'm not really sure what happened. Are you at home? I went to bed last night and I woke up in Kansas. I don't know how I got here. Is this some kind of vampire compulsion? Did you make Damon do this? I hope you know it's not going to work. You'd think you'd learn your lesson the first time. I'm getting on a bus and coming home.

I don't have my phone, but I'll try to stop in the next town and check my e-mail.


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Hello? Nandi? Kaylee? Zoe? Mal? Is anyone there? I'm not sure what happened or how I got here, but this isn't Nandi's place anymore. Did I pass out?

This is a really old computer. I haven't seen something like this in ages. Something isn't right here.

Filtered against evil

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Spent yesterday getting fitted for my tux, that took a while. But I have it now. I wish Piper was here still, we made plans for the catering So that's done at least. Oh.. but me and Prue may be leaving in the near future. There's a concert in my home state. Not my real home, different universe. But still very similar. Thanks so much, Prue.

And my New Year resolution is, think on what my real father would do in a serious situation and then do the complete opposite. Oh, and there's some treats in the kitchen. Donuts, bear claws, crullers, etc. Plenty for everyone. :)

Thanks for the whiskey. And the notes, they're very informative. I've been thinking about trying to do some research too, seeing what I can learn more about this world.

Hey, so.. would you like to be married around April? Or May? I think that should give us plenty of time to have the whole thing set and ready to take off by then. As to honeymoons? Hmm.. have you ever wanted to see the Eiffel Tower up close?

Filtered or whatever

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Is there anything worth doing in this shitspl podun place?

[Anyone with medical or nutritionist backgrounds since apparently the doctor is too busy t]

Think anyone would be willing to help put me on a nutritional plan for the next few weeks, you know, out of the goodness of their hearts or whatever will make you tree-hugging idiots? I'm pretty sure that even though I'm finally able to keep "real" food down, I'm missing out on some serious nutrients but then I don't know really anything about all that, so I could use some guidance.

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I must say, whoever managed to get me to America without my knowledge executed it brilliantly. Managing to make it so I can't access John's blog to have him get me back? Genius. Still, I have things to do, places to be, et cetera, et cetera. So if someone can get me in contact with John, that would be, what is you normal people say, nice? Yes. That would be nice.

filtered against evil and kids

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Are you fucking kidding me? A man walks around Times Square in underwear, cowboy boots and a cowboy hat and carries a guitar? And people take pictures with him and give him money?

What the fuck.

filtered to friends of Elena

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Has anyone talked to Elena lately?

Texts to Sam

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» You good, dude?
» How's it goi
» Hey.

» Dude, you feel up to a road trip in a week or so?
» I wanna go get some stuff outta Dad's old lockup. Figured maybe you could use a drive as much as I could.

Filtered against baddies

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I noticed there's some new people here, so I thought I'd like to introduce myself. My name is Sarah Connor. Yes, really Only here do I feel comfortable using my real nameI'm one of the trainers over at the apartment complex. My class is mainly specialty weapons such as knife combat, along with disarms and takedowns, like they teach in the military.

Also know automatic weapon type training, but that's not really practical right now. And let's be real here, the chances of using a rock salt ammo M-16 with a scope, silencer, and lasersight is unlikely to happen anytime soon It's just blades and unarmed combat. My classes are usually during the day, though, since I work on nights at the Roadhouse. It's usually a group setting but I can also do one-on-one training if that's more comfortable.

filtered to the good Russians

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Do you think Molokov would ever get involved in something like tacos?

Filtered against evil

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I'm looking for people who know about the Light Side of the Force.

Also people to duel with a lightsaber.
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