War Is Coming Communications.

January 15th, 2012

January 15th, 2012

Filtered against evil (Pretty sure I'm doing this right!)

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Hello! Another new arrival. I'm John. I'm a doctor from London, just got here. How do you go about settling in around here?

Texts to Rikki

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>>So, I was thinking...
>>I could use a little bit of a girls night
>>What do you say to you and me and some wine at my house tonight?

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It feels like I'm short a babysitter.

Filtered from evil, Ava, and Jason

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Aaaand, I found a van, just like Maggie and the paint job is almost identical. It took a few days and cost me more than I was looking to spend but...totally worth it.

Just throwing that out there. Next time we road trip, guys, it'll be way better, now. Road tripping in a rented SUV just isn't the same as doing it in a pimped out van.

...that is all.

to Lexi

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I know you hate me but
I need you to do me a favor.

Filtered to Mimi

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Think I'm in trouble.

Filtered against evil

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I just walked into the boys playing cars in the dark with only their Buzz Lightyear nightlight on. And then...upon seeing the look on my face because, hi, it's about three hours past their bedtime, my children asked me if they should go the fuck to sleep.


Sam Winchester: 1; Darcy Ainsley: 0

I concede.

Filtered to Kelly. Or whoever you are.

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Wanna play?

[Sent during the morning hours]

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[Connor Temple]
I need you to come to the clinic wing NOW. It's Kim. Wounded, knife. Bum left her in lobby. I found her and brought her to med wing.

[Filtered against baddies]
Kim Corman was attacked. She in clinic now. I don't know who or what did it, just that it was a woman. She couldn't see her. But we need to find out who did this. She's safe now though, so that's what was most important. I'll be damned if we have another body on the steps, never again
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