War Is Coming Communications.

November 2nd, 2011

November 2nd, 2011

Filtered to Clark

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Hey baby, look, you're the only one that isn't gay, go you!

♥ lol I have too much time on my hands until we go home...seriously, you need to bring me a book or something lmfao

Also, I miss your face and I'm so ready to get out of here. Would you hate me for asking if me and the boys could stay with you for a night (I swear just one, because you probably won't get any sleep and that's no fair to you) when they let us out, so I can paint the nursery and let it air out before I move them in there? I didn't end up having time to do it.

Filtered against evil, Ava & Jason

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I'm never fucking watching TV again. He's like my br
And she was kinda like my
Well, no, she wasn't but they look the s
My eyes are bleeding. They're fucking bleeding.

Dude, fuck Glee. That's all. That fuckin' show is stupid and you guys are way better than that. All of you. And now I'm gonna put a foot through my television and find another book. I knew there was a reason I like reading.

[ooc: added in a few minutes later]

[Florence] )

Family filter

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got shot last night, didn't sense the shooter at all until after. He was too far away.

Not going to be back at school until tomorrow likely.

Filtered to Elphaba

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I'm gonna stop by today. Just giving you a heads up. I miss you.

Filtered to Jaina

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Is there a reason you're still protecting him?

Because frankly if Sam Winchester goes to hunt your boyfriend I can't say I won't be right beside him. And this time, honestly, it didn't bother me, The man I became was an excellent politician. Very interesting knowledge.

But he's taking over peoples minds on a whim. And well, given that I got killed for that kind of thing I do find it somewhat hypocritical you laugh along with his madness.

I know love is blind sis, Kyp Durron springs to mind, but come on now.

filtered against evil

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Never drinking that much again

People involved in fandom or whatever can be completely mental.

[Rose Tyler]
Thanks for getting me. I'm sorry about that.

filtered against baddies

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I will never be able to take this man seriously.

filtered against baddies

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Where to begin…

I thought I'd apologize for anything the alien princess Optha did. I know there's an ugly black spot on one of the lobby's walls courtesy of my laser gun and I mean to paint over it ASAP.


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You are yourself again I assume?

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I'm bored! Fill in the blanks!

Dear ______,

I ____ you. You have a nice ______. You make me _______. You

should _______. Someday I will ______. You + me = ________.

If I saw you now I’d __________. I want to ________ you. I

would build a _______ just

for you. If I could sing you any song it would be _________.

We could __________ under the stars.


(P.S. ______________.)
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