War Is Coming Communications.

November 3rd, 2011

November 3rd, 2011

Text to Connor

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You're smart, have you invented Brain Bleach yet??

Filtered against evil

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You know that thing where hospitals are supposed to give you a chance to rest? That'd be easier if they'd shut off the lights and stop coming in every fourteen seconds to check vitals.

Boooored and giving up on trying to sleep, so...yeah, I might have filled in some blanks.

Clark )

Florence )

Text to Clark

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Filtered to Dr. Jones, Dr. Tam, & Jess

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Would one of you possibly be available to take a look at Rae? She's got this funny cough that Ash doesn't have, and I'm a little worried. It's probably nothing, but I've been freaking out anytime either one of them acts off in anyway I just want to be sure.

Filtered from evil. (Evil includes Douchebag angels but not Demon Kings of Crossroads)

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Lesson one of my newfound humanity. Don't sass Lucifer in defense of anyone. He'll actually just kill me now won't he?

I really don't like this. Being a duck sucks. But love the analogy honey.

I've also discovered hangovers. I don't like them. It feels like something died in my mouth and they're having a wake for it in my head. How long does this last and how many drugs can I have to make it hurt less.


You said to Sam was there anything you could do to help? And I get you're probably busy with the girls.Thing is, And this is a ridiculous thing to have to ask someone but, you're good with knives, very good. And right now I'm not sure how much of my 'good with knives' was demon and how much was me. So what I'm asking you is...can you spar with me, try a few things out, see what I can do now. This is embarrassing as hell, you're my friend and I shouldn't be....just say yes and don't go further into the why because I'll actually cry and crying is ridiculous over something so....ugh emotions.

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[Left on Anakin's desk in his first class. A box of Star Wars Fruit Snacks]

Filtered to Brittany

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Um, I hope...uh, that you don't mind, but...I saw there was a huge, uh, ruckus? about your show, so I...downloaded it? last night and...

Brittany, I don't think you're stupid. I think everybody else is stupid for not seeing that you just look at the bright side of everything. That Finn guy is a jerk, you're not an idiot, you just have the heart of a child and, uh, there's nothing wrong with that.

But...uh, one thing: I'm certain Captain won't poop candy, no matter what you feed him, so you should probably just stick to his regular cat food, okay?

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I'm fairly sure I'd marry this guy if he wasn't already! Who's with me!!

filtered against baddies

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Eating a fruit snack shaped like C-3PO's head should really not be this amusing, but I feel a little smug.

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left for Darcy R in the middle of the night )

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[Text: To Sam]

► So I'm gonna have to get a bigger place. Can't keep Ben sleeping on the couch forever, and the place is already getting kinda full. I doubt there's any two-bedroom places left open.
► Bobby said he could probably swing it so I get a legit fake account or identity or whatever I need to rent somewhere nearby, instead.
Should I ask Jules to
► This whole domestic, apartment-hunting thing makes me want to get really, really drunk, Sam.

[Text: To Ruby]

► Hanging in there okay?

[Text: To Darcy R.]

► Hey, sorry I never said earlier, but congrats on the kids. Sleeping any better now?
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