War Is Coming Communications.

March 30th, 2011

March 30th, 2011

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Anyone up for sparring. I'm in need of a good fight.

[ooc: Purposely left unfiltered. If Luci wants to bring it...it's already been brought :P]

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1 fish 2fish DEADfish boo fish

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So I got this email and
It'd be okay if they deserve it righ
What if it keeps them from doing somet
I miss the daytime


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friendly warning my ass

mystery sender better hope I don't find you.. Are there any Psychics around?
why does death follow the

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People worried about/connected to Jen
If you hadn't already heard Ava and I found Jen last night. She's back home and doing okay but she might eat not want visitors. Check with her before you head over there I guess?

How did you even get that guy's address?
Does Ava still want you to
Do you still want to

How are you healing?

dropped in Jaina's mailbox
A package containing cookies, kind of ugly and lumpy looking, but pretty much slathered in frosting in a futile attempt to hide it. They taste good though! She was determined. On the package she's scrawled in sharpie: "Not the scary kind of mysterious package!" Because she wants Jaina to be happy but can't exactly go to the advice-giving place or whatever. So, UGLY COOKIES.

I got this movie out of the library and I'll probably be watching it tonight. You know, if it is a movie you also want to watch. And Jacen has refrained from going sith and/or traumatizing us all for, like, three consecutive days and you and Aunt Jaina are stressed enough without yelling at me to be nice to him even though Force only knows why you care so I could come over to your place? Unless you're busy, it's fine if you're busy.

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Booth/Parker, Juliet, Jacen )

Filtered to Sam and Ruby

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I need to go back, now.

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I think I need to move out asap. You get why? I don't want to eat your sweet ice creamy chipmunk cheeks and-


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Allana is coming over tonight. We're going to view a film. I thought it would be nice to order pizza to accompany the film. Would pepperoni be suitable?

Phone Call to Booth

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Kitty, shaking, dials Booth's number. She can barely stand still as she brings the phone to her ear, hearing it ring.

Filtered to Sam

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Look, I need your help with something. It has to do with Jen. Before I tell you anything I need to know if I'm wasting my time coming to you with it, because if you're going to be an ass I'll just find someone else. Except I kinda don't know who else to ask.

Also, rules. If you are going to help, you're not going to talk to Jen, or let on that you're involved in this at all. She doesn't trust you, and I don't blame her, and I really don't need her any more freaked out than she is, okay? Any questions you have for her you ask me and I'll try to find out and tell you.

And if you hurt her I will rip your face off. I may or may not use your wife to do it, too, I don't care what I promised

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The city is singing to us. New blood.

And old, older than it has any right to be

Filtered to The Master

Tell us the plan? We wish to know what you are planning to do?

Filtered to Lucifer

Are you going to let us play? Call our family?

Filtered against baddies

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Parker is missing, someone took my son. If any of you hear anything tell me immediately. [phone number here to cell]

[magical types filter]
I need a favor, can one of you teleport me back to Lawrence?


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Why didn't you tell me someone broke into your home?

Filtered to Booth

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That talking we need to do.

Filtered to Allana

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I assume the non-scary package of cookies was from you? Thank you. I'm having some with my coffee.

Is the offer to borrow you and Daisy still open? The landlord is getting security systems put in, but they won't get up to this floor until tomorrow. I'm not actually worried, but apparently this was related to whatever message Jacen got the other day, so it wouldn't hurt to be careful. You can crash here if you want to, as well, I don't mind.

Filtered against baddies

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Alright, palms have been greased and I have a shiny new ID and bounty hunter's license. Gotta love good ol' fashioned greed. Now I just need to find some offices. Don't suppose anybody would mind coming with me to look at a few buildings? My experience, realtors tend to fleece you less when you've got a second set of ears along.
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