War Is Coming Communications.

December 11th, 2010

December 11th, 2010

Filtered to Kitty

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Hey, what're you up too?

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Just finished moving all of my booze down into the kitchen. Whoever wants it can have it.

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I could make a killing on pepper up potions here, and any other hangover cure.

I've got myself a job. I don't know how I feel about it, but it's better than having nothing. Muggles are quite strange, not wanting magic used around customers I'm a server, or did they call it waitress, same difference. Either way I'm serving. So far it seems as if something I can do. I must say my grandma Molly's food was much better, as is my mum's.

Speaking of food, I'm hungry.

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There's a little tree in my apartment! It's all lit up and everything. This is..it's perfect. But there's no name? I don't know where it came from. Thank you mystery Santa?

filtered against baddies.

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My dear muggle mother would have been so proud of me. I can finally use a microwave without setting the contents on fire!

Still easier with a wand though. No wonder mum had my father do all the cooking.

for Booth

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Parker has, quite stealthily, broken into Booth's place. She's set up a small, tabletop Christmas tree with colored lights. There is also something wrapped in Christmas wrapping paper the size and shape of a hockey stick. There's a card that says, in all capital letters, DO NOT OPEN UNTIL CHRISTMAS. Beneath the wrapping paper is a hockey stick autographed by Mario Lemieux. Parker doesn't really know who that is, but has heard that he was awesome.

Filtered to Quinn.

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You were right.

Filtered Against Baddies

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So. My stomach was kinda bothering me earlier, so I felt kinda icky. And Ron wanted me to come help him with something, but I wasn't up for it. Then Ron's text typo made my day so I took a screenshot because it's seriously worth sharing with people.

Click here for the shot! )
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