War Is Coming Communications.

January 19th, 2010

January 19th, 2010

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Remind me again why I agreed to drive all the way to Austin for hours in a car when I could be there 100 times over by now?

Oh right. Lois trying to sing along with the music.

Quality Entertainment.

Filtered to Chloe

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[ooc: backdated to early morning the eighteenth]

Yes. No. Maybe so? Are you in for Austin and Benatar or are you out? It's fine if you're out, I'll understand and believe me you, there will be plenty opportunities in the near future. I just need to know since, like I said, we're heading out today. Driving.

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It seems that we have a bunch of new arrivals here and I've been bad about introducing myself. Since we're all friends here, you all can call me Lorne. It's great to meet all of you.

Yes, I'm green. Yes, I have red horns. No, I'm not evil. Though I have been told that I get a little bit cranky when I have to put up with someone trampling an Aretha song without a steady stream of sea breeze. I'm a demon. From the same world as Buffy and Andrew. So I'd appreciate it if no one came at me with holy water. Not that anyone has, yet, but I thought it would be a good plan to nip that idea in the bud.

Oh, and if anyone is still interested, I've found some potential buildings for the bar. Once I figure out how to get what is on the camera onto the computer, I'll post it all for you sugarbottoms, to see. Modern technology can't live without it but still a pain in a butt to live with.

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I broke a glass. Two glasses, and nearly a plate

Got to thinking about

In the kitchen. Didn't mean to and I'm cleaning it but just stay clear tilI I make sure I have it all okay. Pieces are pretty small and I'm not wearing shoes so it might take a little bit

filtered to good guys

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I'm officially back to the apartments now. I dropped Queen and the others off last night, but then I had to drive back and return the rental car and pick up my back. So guys the red motorcycle out back is mine. Don't be worried about it. It's got a very advanced alarm system, so please if you do want a look at it let me know? if you'll excuse me I'll be going off into solitary for a few weeks n

I'm back and fine, unhurt. physically

I've been thinking about lines. Seeing alot of posts about people needing jobs and income, some resorting to..less then kid friendly tactics to getting what they had before and I may have a solution. It requires bending my morals a bit, but technically it isn't stealing if it's what you had before and you're working for it. So I'm a good hacker. Normally this isn't something I broadcast because it isn't kosher. But. If you need papers, school records, government records, I'm your guy. I've done it before for myself to get away and in my own space and the only flaw was Bruce Wayne. But he's not here..but I guess that shouldn't have even been mentioned so.. I don't know. Find another way. I'm editing things now because it is still illegal. But I'm honestly lost on what to do about the money situation.

Filtered, Adam

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This share time, confession, hugs and laughter thing is really uncomfortable and weird.

Filtered to Apartment Residents, Winchesters, Ruby, Good Guys.

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Alright look, I'm not the speechy one, my bio-dad's big on the speeches of epic. Even my Uncle can get speechy. I don't. But all the same its got to be a little bit genetic so I'll try.

I've been thinking a whole lot and we're scattered. Even if we're all in the one place a lot of us aren't acting like it. So I say we should.

I'm Claire, I'm 18 and I can regenerate. Like, heal. From anything. My blood heals too which is why I haven't said anything. I'm afraid if people know about it they'll get reckless and take chances. Its not a failsafe. Its not the last resort and I'm not here to play god.

But that said. I'm putting it out there because I think we need to know who we all are and what we can all do. Like a team. We need to help each other or we're screwed. All of us. We need to know who's doing what. Who is in charge of what? And basicly. We need to stick together even if we don't all stay at the complex we're all in the same boat and all want to stop this crazy demon lady?


filtered to Oliver

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Before you came, a couple weeks before.. a group of us were taken to some kind of warehouse. That demon playing those stupid "games" is the one who it was done for. Alastair was the one behind the ..torture, but it doesn't matter who did it. They're both the same. Evil, and apparently large and in charge around here as far as the evil goes. From what I got off Alastair, while he was torturi doing what he did, I managed to interrogate him a bit, but the gist is..stay away from them until you've been demon trained. Even after you've been demon trained. They're strong. I don't really even want to touch them with a ten foot pole. they'll do whatever they can t

Just..I don't know all the details Buffy can probably fill you in better on their style of fighting, and whatever, but make sure you have rock salt on your windows and doors and you have that amulet I gave you before Chicago right? Keep it on you all the time. Apparently these things can possess if you're not wearing one.

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So when I first got here

[Filtered, James, Dad]
I'm brilliant. Sometimes scarily so. But I can't believe it took me this long.
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