War Is Coming RPG.

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War Is Coming RPG.


February 22nd, 2013

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Who: Abby Sciuto and Ziva David
What: Ziva has to be the Gibbs figure and it's weird because Abby is having feels
When: Midday 22 February 2013
Where: Bowling alley at the edge of town
Warnings: TBD but I'm guessing angst of the peppy goth
Status: Incomplete

To save one life is to save the world )

February 2nd, 2013

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Who: Jenny Shepard, Ziva David and Abby Sciuto
What: The Director has a heart to heart with her agents where they discuss ALL the issues.
When: Saturday Evening
Where: Abby and Ziva's Apartment
Warnings: Oh Lord. Angst. Tears. Yelling.


December 9th, 2012

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Who: Ziva and Abby
What: Abby has yet another nightmare about certain things. Ziva needs to help her. Well, they have to help each other because that's what friends do and they need to stop avoiding this elephant in their apartment.
When: Some time in the late night hours tonight
Where: Their apartment
Warnings: Mentions of explosions, possibly mentions of death, everything else TBA

Why does it rain, rain, rain down on utopia? / Why does it have to kill the ideal of who we are? / Why does it rain, rain, rain down on utopia? / How will the lights die down, telling us who we are? )

December 2nd, 2012

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Who:Booth, Ziva, and some demons!
What:Character death and possession.
Where:The streets and then the complex.
Warnings:A for angst and D for death!

[ooc note!: Dead Ziva is dead, people probably would have heard a gunshot near the carpark.]

You should have just let me go.. )

November 7th, 2012

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Who: Jenny Shepard and Ziva David
What: Jenny arrives in Lawrence. Ziva finds her.
When: Just after she arrives.
Where: In a park.
Rating/Warnings: Angst. Mention of death.
Status: Complete

In this world of change/nothing which comes stays/and nothing which goes is lost )

February 15th, 2012

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Who Tony and Ziva
What Tony needs to poke Ziva to make sure she's real. And everyone loves a drugged Israeli Ninja.
Where Complex Medbay
When Late afternoon of the 15
Rating/Status Should be low/In Progress

And how is my favorite Israeli Ninja today? )

January 27th, 2012

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Who: Ziva David (Narrative)
When: Starts around 22 January and ending NOW! (27 January, early ass in the morning, aka, 4 am ish)
Where: Abandoned warehouse outside of Lawrence
What: Ziva gets kidnapped while undercover and spends five days being tortured and nearly decapitated while alive. It doesn't end well for her captors.
Rating: T/V-Torture and Violence. Possible death. It's open ended on that front.
Notes: Yes, the locator spell worked. Ziva will need serious medical attention and best at the complex, from my understanding Sam got sent in as the department is being stupid? Booth and Sam went in, so carry on, etc.

That was when I vowed never to be taken alive )

January 12th, 2012

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Who: Watson, whoever else
What: Watson's arrival
Where: Downtown Lawrence
When: 12th, roughly 11pm
Rating: Relatively tame, aside from the jacket covered in explosives.

John Watson’s Cuddly Semtex Sweater )

December 3rd, 2011

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Who: Ziva and Abby
What: Belated birthday celebration of the improvised sort.
When: About half an hour after this
Where: Ziva's desk, for starters. Abby may drag her elsewhere if the need or whim arises.
Warnings: Most likely low

So the original plan got interrupted by work, but better late than never! )

September 10th, 2011

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Who: Stefan Salvatore and Ziva David
What: Arrival
When: Dawn, Saturday Morning
Where: The streets
Warnings: Possible blood and other vampiric actions
Status: Complete

It was time to hunt. )

March 10th, 2011

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Who? YoSafBridg and Ziva
What? General interactions, shooting, etc.
Where? Shooting Range
When? Tonight
Rating? TBD

Ziva was learning that in this place, anything was possible. )
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