War Is Coming RPG.

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War Is Coming RPG.


February 9th, 2015

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WHO Bobby & Lydia
WHAT Lydia finds a dead body, like normal and Bobby happens to be there investigating.
WHERE A house somewhere near Lawrence
WHEN Feb 9th.
RATING/STATUS PG-13 | Complete

Clearly you’re well educated despite the love of trucker stop fashion. )

January 19th, 2015

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Who: Chloe Sullivan and OPEN
What: Arriving in The Graveyard
When: Nowish
Where: The Graveyard
Warnings: None as yet
Status: Incomplete

Chloe crossed the street, cup of coffee from her favorite coffee vendor in her hand. )

January 6th, 2015

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Who: Bobby and the Girl on Fire
What: Checking up
Where: Katniss’ apartment
When: backdated to mid-December
Status: Complete

I've nothing witty to say here )

January 5th, 2015

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Who: Bobby and Katniss and then maybe others if they want to see the penguin
What: the Seal has a sense of humor
Where: the Sanctuary apartments
When: early this morning
Rating: A for ADORABLE


December 7th, 2014

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Who: Katniss Everdeen and Open
When: After her arrival
Where: The graveyard
Rating: Potentially high for talk of death, drugs, trauma
Status: Incomplete, OPEN

Everybody stares, as she goes by // 'Cause they can see the flame that's in her eyes // Watch her when she's lighting up the night // Nobody knows that she's a lonely girl // And it's a lonely world // But she gon' let it burn, baby, burn, baby )

June 12th, 2014

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Karen Singer & Bobby Singer; Arriving in Lawrence, reuniting! AND ALL THE FEELS
Wednesday afternoon, June 11, 2014; Cemetery, then a diner
PG-13 (at least; mentions of death/being near death, and all the feels ever basically); In progress

The last thing Karen remembered was pleading with her husband, begging him not to kill her, to just let her live.Read more... )

June 14th, 2010

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Who: Sam & Bobby
When: Soon
Where: Bobby's place
What: Talking about stuff
Warnings: Not likely

Inside the house there was a pot of coffee on, there was ALWAYS a pot of coffee on )

April 16th, 2010

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Who: Bobby & Booth
When: Hunter Boot Camp day 1, group 6. After shooting, before dinner.
What: A conversation
Warnings: Probably none, will update if necessary

The first day was the easiest )

January 13th, 2010

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WHO: Chloe and Bobby
WHAT: Letting him know she's leaving.
WHEN: Early morning.
WHERE: Bobby's.

All Bobby would have to do is pop it in the microwave or oven and he would have a nice meal to enjoy. As long as he didn't burn it. )

December 27th, 2009

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Who: Chloe Sullivan and Bobby Singer
When: Middle of the day.
Where: Bobby's library, aka, Chloe's temporary space of living.
What: She's finally been buried under books like she has been wanting since she arrived in Lawerence. But she still needs a break.
Status: Incomplete

There was a reason man created a typewriter, the home computer, and later the personal laptop. Writing large quantities of information in a short amount of time was impossible now. )
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