August 8th, 2012

[info]walkingmods in [info]walkingnotes

Whoops. Accidentally posted in the mod journal.

I think a lot of you know by now that Fi and Sean have left the game. I am deeply saddened by their decision, but I accept my role in it. I'm not going to go into it here, but I am willing to speak with anyone who has questions and/or concerns.

That said, we have to deal with the fall out from losing several characters at once. Because there are so many of them, I'm going to go ahead and list them all. Other characters can begin to notice they are missing at any time.

Removed Characters )

If you feel you need to drop a character in response to the recent drops, please use the drop form, located Here. Thank you, and thank you most of all for being here and playing and being part of the game!

I've made sure the dropped characters were removed from the taken list as well as the comms. I also removed tags, since I use tags to track points I don't want to have extra tags.

Please check to make sure your characters were not accidentally removed from taken, tags, or any of the communities. If you notice a character has been removed, please let me know. Reply here or use the maintenance post in the mod journal. Thanks guys!