July 8th, 2012

[info]fireinthesoul in [info]walkingnotes

I tempt and tease with a shirtless!Jared icon. Ahem.

Yes. Anyway. I've kind of been slacking a bit, and I apologise. I had initially wanted to tag every single open post on the network and make sure no post went untagged. I've fallen behind, forgive me, but it looks like every post has been tagged just the same! Wheee!

The summer heat has been wearing me down, so that my focus is iffy when I finally get to the keys in the evening. Not only that, but I've recently realised I'm not the night owl I once was, which sucks. I miss staying up all night to RP, but I can't seem to make it past 11 or midnight, even though I'm not working right now. *sigh*

And I'm rambling. The point of this post is to say I'm going out of town tomorrow, heading up to visit my brother for a few days, and I'll also get to see my goddaughter. I should be around when I'm at my brother's because if I'm not on my computer, I have to be social and most of you know...I'm not a very social person. I'll be at the best friend's place Thurs and Friday next week and I don't expect to be online when I'm spending with with Andi and the baby.

I'm always reachable by email, because I can check that on my phone if I'm not near the computer. I can get on IJ too, but I usually don't bother because it's such a hassle. If you have need of a mod, poke at Amber, Brianna, Fi, or Li in my absence.

I should be back full time either Tuesday or Wednesday next-next week, the 17th-18th. My boys will kick it then, with fresh posts and replies to your posts. Keep being awesome, because you all rock.

[info]lionwontbetamed in [info]walkingnotes

I have added Jaime Lannister from A Song Of Ice And Fire/Game Of Thrones to my roster. I will intro him...soon. Possibly this week, but possibly not till I get home next week, but he will be joining the game. Wheee.