July 1st, 2012

[info]howlandbark in [info]walkingnotes

Hi everyone! I'm Circe, I'm new and I'm bringing in Laura Hale from Teen Wolf. We didn't really get to see a lot of Laura on the show, but I really liked the idea of her, so I filled in the gaps and here she is!

Laura is twenty three years old and she's an alpha werewolf, which basically means that she had a pack back home and that she can transform into a normal looking sort of wolf whenever she wants. I'm bringing her in a year before her death, and she's been living in New York with her brother and her pack of misfit wolves. Most of her family members were killed in a fire set by hunters a few years back, but Laura is still pretty friendly and is relatively easy going and playful.

I am open to any and all plots with her, and can't wait to play with everybody!

[info]oftheicefield in [info]walkingnotes

Meet Jon Snow, apparent bastard son of Lord Eddard Stark of Winterfell. I've started reading A Song Of Ice and Fire by George R.R. Martin. I've watched the first season of the HBO series and...Jon is my typical muse, so here he is.

Jon has vowed service to the Night's Watch, and he will be most confused to arrive in the hotel. And while he's not encountered zombies as we know them here, he's not unfamiliar with dark undead things. Once he gets over the shock of arrival, I'm sure he'll pitch in and help.

Plots for Jon, or any of my boys would be love. This is Misha, btw. Realised I didn't say that earlier. :P

[info]kidpool in [info]walkingnotes

Hello again this is Sean again with more people into the game.

The first one is from Falling Skies, his name is Hal Mason and my other one is from the Marvel Comics Book. In the books of Prelude to Deadpool Corps #1, His name is Wade Wilson, but Deadpool nick name for kidpool is Tito Wilson. He also talks to himself and to the random voices
in his head.