June 18th, 2012

[info]walkingmods in [info]walkingnotes

There is a maintenance post here, for your convenience, if anything is missing or needs adjustment along the way.

I'm pretty sure everyone has tags in both the nexus and scenes comms, but I can't guarantee I didn't make mistakes and typos along the way. If you try to add your character tag and it doesn't take, let me know!

For characters with alternate identities, due to the fact we are using tags to track points and activity, the tag is combined as such: bruce wayne | batman.

If you have recently added a character, and the comment is still on the holds page, you don't need to tell me said character is missing from Taken. I will get that updated shortly. Rooms will also be updated soon, make sure ALL your characters have a room assignment, since everyone was given a room key at check in!

The in game check in is not mandatory, but it is a quick and easy 20 points.

[info]walkingmods in [info]walkingnotes

Okay, so this is going to be a plot driven game, with a lot of room for writing and exploring and creating and all that good stuff. But, now we've got a strong character base, I want to do an organised plot.

Plot The First )

[info]shootyoumyself in [info]walkingnotes

Oh look, it's Fi. *bows bows*

Fi is bored and very hyper, but work is sucking my soul, hate Mondays!

Alright, here is who I'm playing.

Plot, Drama, would be cotton candy love.

[info]walkingmods in [info]walkingnotes

I know, I know. I'm spamming the ooc. Sorry! Hopefully this will be the last one!

Since we're getting a lot of sign up for the plot, the supply runners may be broken down into two groups. I'll keep you posted on that, but I'm going to hold off making any decisions, and give people who may not be near the computer right now a chance to sign up!

The real point of this post is to let you know, there will be a Friend's Only post in the mod journal which is a calendar or events. Past events, obviously, are pretty much set in stone. Future events may be altered, changed, whatever, so...basically it's a work in progress and just because the calendar says the shop will be open on June 23 doesn't mean it absolutely will. It means that's my plan, but things change, so just know that any future dates and events are flexible.

If you happen to think of something that you think would be an awesome plot, or mini event, anything, drop a comment on the mod drop box. I'm definitely very open to ideas, thoughts, suggestions and all that. I may be running the game, but it's your game as much as it's mine. You ahve a voice, so speak up!

I also want to say THANK YOU. We're off to a great start, and I am so very excited about this game. I think it's going to be AWESOME. Well, it already is! Let's keep it that way!

[EDIT] Also! Replies to the check in post are coming! I will drop them sometime this afternoon/evening.

[info]bckwardsinheels in [info]walkingnotes

Greetings everyone, most of you already know who I am but for those who do not I'm Angie. I think this game is brilliantly fantastic and I look forward to playing with all of you. I'm currently bringing in one character only (for now; who knows what will happen) and that is Agent Margaret "Peggy" Carter from Captain America: The First Avenger.

I will making a character profile over at her journal and it should be up soon. If you would like to know more about Peggy fyi she hates being called Margaret, please feel free to ask and I will try to answer as much as I can. I currently posted as her over at the check in thread, so if you want to start playing with her; feel free to tag it.

I'm also in quite the cheery mood today and would really like to have some plots, some please plot with me!

Edit: Her profile info is up in her journal, feel free to check it out. =)

[info]walkingmods in [info]walkingnotes

For those of us who have AIM, We've made a blast room so we can all chat, plot, just have a good time together. I (Fi) think is' a good form of communication to have for the game, so please join us.

[info]read_me_back in [info]walkingnotes

Hellohello. I'm Alison and I'm here with three boys, to be going on with :D

Firstly, I have this boy here. His name's Dustfinger and he comes from the film Inkheart. He has a bio on his profile page should anyone want to read it. He's arrived accompanied by Gwin, who is his companion Marten *points to icon*. Igore the fact that he's actually a ferret in the film. He's not supposed to be. Gwin is lovely and has teeny horns on his head. If he gets to know you he may nip since he doesn't think he has to be on his best behaviour with friends. That's Gwin, not Dustfinger.

Secondly, I have the loooooovely Simon Bellamy, a much misunderstood boy from Misfits. His journal is [info]weird_kid and, like Dustfinger, he has a bio on his profile page.

My third boy, whose bio isn't done yet, is XIII from XIII: The Series. To the best of my knowledge, the show has only been screened in Canada and France (although a second series of it has been commissioned so that might push other countries to grab it). XIII is named after the tattoo on his left collarbone. Naturally it's not his real name, but he has total amnesia and remembers nothing before his time as a prisoner in a CIA black site in Romania. He's a very tough boy indeed, and he is desperately trying to find just what it is that makes him so dangerous to so many people. For those who have been lucky enough to have seen the programme, I'm bringing him in at the pre-beginning of episode 3. By now, XIII has learned that his name growing up was Ryan Flay (although he has no idea that that wasn't his birth name), but he still uses the name XIII since he's used to it.

As for me, I'm English, and I live in Liverpool so I'm on GMT (or BST at the moment). I'm definitely up for plottage and threaddage and you can get me on email - black.narcissus[at]gmail[dot]com, or AIM - Snakebittenraven