Victory Road RPG

Join your favorite familiar Wizarding faces - and some new ones - as life goes on ten years after the war that changed them all.


Posts Tagged: 'location:+sweet+nothings'

Jan. 24th, 2018


rp: chocolate is a gift of love to yourself

Who: Romi & Melinda & public
When: Wednesday, 1/4/10; morning-ish
Where: Sweet Nothings
What: In desperate need of Chocolate
Warnings: Probably language from Romi & definite TMI re: womanly issues

❝ chocolate is a gift of love to yourself ❞  )



[No Subject]

Who: Victoria Frobisher & Oliver Moreau
When: Wednesday, 24th January
Where: Sweet Nothings, Victory Road
What: A run in with an old aquaintance
Warnings: n/a

witty text here )

Jan. 13th, 2018



RP: Boss Bonding

Who: Tate & Melinda
What: Catching Up
When: January 13th
Where: Sweet Nothings - After Hours
Warnings: TBD

Gotta minute? )

Jul. 7th, 2017



Network: Newsletter

Who: Everyone
When: 7. July 2009, morning
What: Newsletter/Announcement from Sweet Nothings
Public/Private: Public

459 years ago, on July 7, 1550 historians claims chocolate was introduced to Europe. This year the day is being observed around the world as World Chocolate Day.

At Sweet Nothings we celebrate it by making our chocolate frostings, creams, and ganaches available for purchase by the jar. Enjoy them as spread on your toast, drizzle is on you ice cream, or indulge your sweet tooth and enjoy it straight from the jar.

Strawberries are in season, and combined with chocolate, they're a combination that never grows old.

May. 31st, 2017



Cake TAsting

Who: Dora and Melinda
When: Wednesday May 31
Where: Sweet Nothings
What: Dora finally got around to making an appointment for cake tasting.
Warnings: Probably language, knowing Dora.

Om nom nom )

May. 23rd, 2017



RP: Destiny and things

Who: Melinda & Tate
What: Potentially Destiny
Where: Sweet Nothings
When: May 24th
Warnings: TBD - his mouth likely, he may end up telling her all the beans. we'll see.

He was going to be nosey today )

Apr. 21st, 2017



RP: Dom the Handyman

Who: Luna Lovegood and Domenic Applebaum
When: BACKDATED - March 30, 2009
Where: Sweet Nothings and then Luna's Home
What: Dom and Luna run into one another again and he helps her out
Warnings: None

To Luna's Rescue )

Apr. 19th, 2017



[No Subject]

Who: Draco, Blaise, Dora, & Ewan (in that order!)
What: Brunch (again)
When: April 20th
Where: Sweet Nothings
Warnings: TBD - Definitely language

Brunch Brunch Brunch )

Apr. 14th, 2017



[No Subject]

Who: Pandora and Neville
When: Friday April 14
Where: Sweet Nothings
What: A run in at the sweets shop.
Warnings: TBD (language likely because Dora but who knows maybe she'll keep it in check!)

tarts or cakes? )

Mar. 25th, 2017



RP: Siddles is out and about

Who: Sid and OPEN
When: 9am Saturday morning, 25th March 2009
Where: Sweet Nothings
What: Sid's sitting outside.
Warnings: Theft? Language, maybe?

It was a nice day, though. )